The California Community Colleges is guided by a process of participatory governance, and the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges sets policy and provides guidance for the 73 districts and 116 colleges that constitute the system. Board members are appointed by the Governor and formally interact with state and federal officials and other state organizations.
The Board of Governors works through a consultation process to ensure representatives from all levels of the system have an opportunity to advise the chancellor on state policy decisions.
To obtain information about the California Community Colleges Board of Governors, please contact
Meeting Schedule, Minutes and Agendas
The Board of Governors meet every other month. Full meeting schedule, minutes, and agendas are available for download.
In-Person Participation
- California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office
Sixth Floor, Board Chambers
1102 Q Street
Sacramento, CA 95811 - Directions | Visiting the Chancellor's Office.
All Board of Governors (Board) meetings are held in locations that are open to the public and wheelchair accessible. Other disability-related accommodations, such as alternate media materials, sign language interpreters, or real-time transcription, will be provided to persons with disabilities upon request. Persons requesting such accommodations should notify the Board Liaison at, (916) 323-5889, no less than five business days prior to the meeting.
Virtual Participation
Captions are provided during the stream.
Or join the meeting by phone: (669) 900 6833
Meeting ID: 381 430 034
Password: 234632
Or iPhone one-tap: +16699006833,,381430034#
International numbers are available online
Public Comment Request Process
Public Comment: Members of the public wishing to comment on an agenda item or another topic within the Board of Governors jurisdiction will be given the opportunity to do so in writing prior to the meeting, via Zoom, or in person at the location listed above. For any questions, please contact the Board Liaison at All comments will be limited to two minutes and the following policies.
- Written: You may email your comment request in advance to In the email subject line, specify the item number associated with your comment. Persons seeking to address the Board on a topic not on the agenda must do so during the designated item listed as public forum. At the top of your email, you may identify yourself or indicate that you choose to remain anonymous. All written public comments must be submitted by the end of business on the Wednesday before the Board meeting. Comments received by the deadline will be provided to the Board of Governors and made public.
- Virtual: Use the Zoom platform's Raise Hand feature to address the Board. Persons seeking to address the Board on a topic not on the agenda must do so during the designated item listed as public forum. Individuals will be given the opportunity to address the Board in the order received.
- In Person: A written request to address the Board must be submitted on the form supplied by the Board Liaison. Persons seeking to address the Board on a topic not on the agenda must do so during the designated item listed as public forum. Individuals will be given the opportunity to address the Board in the order received.
- The Board of Governors reserves the right to limit the total amount of time allocated for public comment on particular issues and for each individual speaker. (Gov. Code 11125.7.)
- For members of the public utilizing a translator or other translating technology, the Chancellor’s Office shall provide twice the allotted time to ensure that non-English speakers receive the same opportunity to directly address the Board. (Gov. Code 11125.7.)
Broadcast Interruptions
In the event of an extended disruption in the broadcast of this meeting, the meeting will be paused, and the Chancellor's Office will provide updates on the outgoing message via the following phone line: 916-445-8504. The outgoing message will provide details regarding the resumption of the meeting.
Procedures and Standing Orders
Pending Regulatory Actions
Regulation notices and filings, proposed regulations and regulations adopted and filed with the Secretry of State can be found on the Pending Regulatory Actions page.