Chancellor’s Office Reports

The Chancellor's Office regularly submits mandated or requested reports to the Governor's Office and California State Legislature. These reports detail program progress and show how program funds are spent to support California community college students. Reports are filed by the year of publication though may reflect prior year data.

Reports prior to 2019 are archived and available on request. Archived documents do not meet Section 508 compliance. To request archived reports, email the Chancellor's Office of Communications and indicate the report year and topic. Please specify if the request is for ADA compliant documents.


Fifty Percent Law (PDF)
The Fifty Percent Law, established under Education Code section 84362, and detailed in California Code of Regulations title 5, section 59204- 59214, requires community college districts allocate at least 50% of their annual Current Expense of Education (CEE) to the salaries and benefits of classroom instructors. This requirement ensures a significant portion of educational expenditures directly supports classroom instruction

Public Safety Instructional Service Agreement Report (PDF)
In compliance with California Education Code Section 84750.4 (AB 1942), the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and the Board of Governors are pleased to release the 2024 Public Safety Instructional Service Agreement Report. As of January 1, 2024, AB 1942 (2022, Muratsuchi) allows each community college district to submit an annual instructional service agreement (ISA) with a public safety agency to the Chancellor’s Office. Districts may also provide data on public safety ISA courses, enrollments and completions to support full-time equivalent student apportionment claims. This report details these agreements for years 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.

State of the System Report (PDF)
Each day, millions of Californians trust our system with the development of their workforce skills, access to greater economic mobility, and the hopes of a brighter future for themselves and their families. Their continued trust is how we know we are doing our job. 
As we advance our efforts to align Vision 2030 with the Governor’s Roadmap for the Future of California Community Colleges—a complementary strategy to boost degree attainment—we are mobilizing our system to play a pivotal role in achieving the state’s goal of 70% postsecondary degree and certificate attainment among working-age Californians by 2030. Our focus is on key workforce priorities highlighted in the Governor’s Roadmap, including healthcare, education, STEM, and climate change.

Umoja Evaluation Report (PDF)
Through culturally responsive curriculum and practices, the Umoja1 Community Education Foundation (UCEF) aims to enhance the cultural and educational experiences of African American, Black, and other students.2 Beginning in 2007, Umoja programs started to develop within the California Community Colleges.

Homeless and Housing Insecurity Pilot (HHIP) Program Report (PDF)
In response to the significant and still growing number of college students experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity in California, the State legislature appropriated $19 million of ongoing funding to provide rapid rehousing services to community college students. The report below includes background information regarding the establishment of housing support services to California community college students and a review of campus level and student outcome data.

Mandated Block Grant Report (PDF)
Education Code 17581.7 requires the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to prepare and submit a report each year that indicates the total amount of block grant funding each community college district received in the current fiscal year.

Five-Year Capital Outlay Report (PDF)
The report shows that proper educational facilities play a vital role in supporting the goals and commitments outlined in the multi-year roadmap between the Newsom Administration and the California Community Colleges and Vision 2030, our system’s roadmap for improving student outcomes.

Space Utilization Report (PDF)
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (Chancellor's Office) presents the Space Utilization report. In accordance with Education Code section 67503, the Chancellor’s Office is required to submit a report by November 1, 2010, and every two years thereafter, on the utilization of classrooms and teaching laboratories. This report must include, for each college, the total number of rooms, number of stations, weekly student contact hours, average weekly student contact hours per station and actual utilization as a percentage of the utilization standard.

Disabled Student Programs and Services Report for 2021-22 and 2022-23 (PDF)
The chancellor of the California Community Colleges is pleased to present the report on Disabled Student Programs and Services for 2021-22 and 2022-23. Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) assists students with disabilities, to ensure they have equal access to all educational programs and activities.

2020-21 California Adult Education Program (PDF)
The chancellor of the California Community Colleges and the state superintendent of public instruction (SSPI) are pleased to present this California Adult Education Program (CAEP) End-of-Year report. The report is provided in accordance with the requirements outlined in Section 9795 of the California Government Code and details student enrollment outcomes, skills gains and other information using adult education data and accountability metrics.

2024 California Community Colleges Leading the Way on Climate Action (PDF)
This inaugural report will highlight the unique roles in climate action of the California Community Colleges, the largest system of higher education in the nation. The report details the California Community Colleges’ work to date across three fields of climate practice: Workforce Development and Curriculum, Assistance to Communities for Climate Resilience, and Sustainability in Facilities and Operations.

2022-2023 California Community Colleges Academic Hiring Report (PDF)
The 2022-23 Academic Hiring Report was prepared according to the requirements of Education Code Section 87892. For purposes of this report, new full-time faculty include credit, noncredit, instructional, and non-instructional tenure track full-time faculty hired beginning July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2023. The Academic Hiring Report aggregates data collected from community college districts via various reports and the Chancellor’s Office Management Information System.

2024 COVID-19 Recovery Block Grant – General Fund Expenditures Interim Report (PDF)
The The COVID-19 Recovery Block Grant – General Fund Expenditures Interim report details how California’s community colleges used $650 million of one-time general funds to continue serving our system’s 2 million students. Districts are required to prioritize the use of these one time funds for purposes including, but not limited to, professional development, technology infrastructure, developing open education resources, zero-textbook-cost degrees, providing basic needs and supporting the mental health and wellness of students and staff. Additional flexibility for these funds was established in the 2023 Budget Act for the purposes of retention and enrollment and physical plant and instructional support.

2024 California Adult Education Program Closing the Equity Gap for Adult Learners in California: 7 Promising Practices to Advance Student Outcomes (PDF)
The California Adult Education Program (CAEP) envisions the transformation of programs and services to prepare adult learners to be educationally and economically successful in the state's diverse regional economies. Twelve local adult education sites (six adult schools delivered by K-12 and six community colleges) from among more than 400 sites were selected for this promising practices research study. The study captured why and how student performance and employment outcomes at these 12 sites, especially for Students of Color, far exceeded state average metrics.

2023-24 LGBTQ+ Programs Report (PDF)
The California Community Colleges Vision 2030 centers on Equity in Access, Equity in Support and Equity in Success. Each of these goals align with college commitments to foster an environment of unconditional belonging and support for our LGBTQ+ community.

2024 California Community Colleges Student Housing Report (PDF)
Pursuant to California Education Code Section 17201(i)(1)(B), this report provides details about annual progress for housing projects state approved through the Higher Education Student Housing Grant program, which the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office refers to as the Affordable Student Housing Program.

2024 Basic Needs Services Centers Report (PDF)
Access to basic needs services is crucial for student success. It guarantees that students have the necessary resources, including food, housing, health care and mental health support. When students’ fundamental needs are fulfilled, they are more prepared to actively participate in the learning process, accomplish their academic objectives, and focus on their overall welfare.

2024 Advancing Equity in Access, Support and Success through Burden-Free Instructional Materials Report (PDF)
The burden of acquiring instructional materials undermines the financial stability of too many students and their households. Financial stability is a core social determinant for success and a critical component of a student-centered support ecosystem.

2023 Common Course Numbering Task Force Report (PDF) 
Assembly Bill 1111 (AB 1111)1 calls on the California Community Colleges to adopt a student-facing common course numbering (CCN) system in order to “streamline transfer from two- to four-year postsecondary educational institutions and reduce excess credit (unit) accumulation." To spur this effort, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (Chancellor’s Office) formed the AB 1111 Common Course Numbering Task Force (CCN Task Force) to make recommendations for a systemwide implementation plan.

2023 Allied Health Programs Report (PDF)
This comprehensive report encompasses vital details on clinical placements, categorized by program and occupation. It includes licensing information for each clinical training site, the number of students participating at each clinical training site and information about student proficiency in languages other than English.

2022 NextUp Legislative Report (PDF)
The NextUp Program provides crucial academic, financial, health, and social resources and services for more than 4,000 students with foster care histories at 46 California community colleges. Leveraging increases in the 2022-2023 California Budget, the NextUp Program will expand to include every California community college.

2022-23 Strong Workforce Report (PDF)
The Strong Workforce Program provided more than $1 billion in funding to the California Community Colleges in support of the creation and expansion of high-quality CTE programs that lead to living-wage jobs. This funding supports the goals of initiatives like the Vision 2030 and Governor Newsom’s Roadmap for California Community Colleges, which aim to improve student success, reduce achievement and equity gaps and develop a skilled workforce in California.

2022-23 Receipts and Expenditures of Lottery Proceeds (PDF)
Control Section 24.60 of the Budget Act of 2022 requires the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to report to the Governor and Legislature the amount of lottery funds received by community college districts and the purposes for which those funds were expended.

2023 Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Report (PDF)
The Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI) launched in 2014 as a collaborative effort to help districts promote student success and improve their fiscal and operational effectiveness. Thanks to the state investments in IEPI, the Chancellor’s Office is able to support college efforts as they contribute to statewide goals.

2024 Reentry Grant Program and Rising Scholars Report (PDF)
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (Chancellor’s Office) Rising Scholars Network was established to make college accessible to currently and formerly incarcerated community college students. Key partnerships with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) and the Foundation for California Community Colleges have helped expand educational programs and support services in correctional facilities and on community college campuses throughout the state, serving nearly 30,000 justice involved students a year.

2021-2023 Temporary Employment of Clinical Nursing Faculty Update (PDF)
Senate Bill 3374 requires the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to prepare and submit a report each year on 1) the number of community college districts that hired faculty under this subdivision, 2) the number of faculty members hired under this subdivision, and 3) what the ratio of full-time to part-time faculty was for these community college districts. 

2022-24 Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Student Achievement Award Program Report (PDF)
Educational Code section 79511 requires the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Ofice to prepare and submit a report each year on the AANHPI SAP claimed by each community college district for those colleges receiving the grant. The AANHPI SAP is in its first year of implementation, with 50 participating colleges.

2021-22 California Community College Nursing Programs: Multicriteria Selection Process Update Report (PDF)
Education Code section 78261.5 requires the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Ofice to prepare and submit an annual report on 1) the participation, retention and completion rates in community college registered nursing programs of students admitted through a multicriteria screening process and 2) disaggregated by the age, gender, ethnicity and the language spoken at the home of those students.

2022 Disabled Student Programs and Services Report (PDF) 
Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) supports the postsecondary education of disabled students. In this report, the California Community College Chancellor’s Office describes DSPS implementation, services and supports offered; outcome data; and student and staff perspectives in the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 academic years with data submitted by all 115 physical California community colleges.

2023 Basic Needs Services Center Report (PDF) 
Basic needs security significantly contributes to or is otherwise impacted by financial stability, physical and mental wellbeing, and support networks, which are the core social determinants of educational success that impact equitable student learning, experience and outcomes.

2017-222 Career Development and College Preparation Report (PDF)
Senate Bill (SB) 361 (Scott/chapter 631, statutes of 2006) provided the community college funding for credit and noncredit full-time equivalent students, as well as the noncredit Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) courses. The statute provides the fundamental framework for defining Career Development and College Preparation noncredit courses and classes that are eligible for the higher (“enhanced”) rate of funding.

2024-25 Five-Year Capital Outlay (PDF)
The California Community Colleges is the largest postsecondary educational system in the United States, serving nearly 2 million students annually. Annually, the Chancellor’s Office calculates enrollment projections and provides this data to districts for utilization in the districts’ five-year construction plans. The estimated 2024-25 fall enrollment of 1.48 million students guides this Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan.

Covid-19 Response Block Grant - State Proposition 98 Expenditures (PDF)
In March 2020, the Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic disproportionately disrupted the daily life of underrepresented students enrolled in California Community Colleges. Prior to COVID-19, these students faced racial and economic disparities statewide, but the pandemic forced a larger burden on an existing vulnerable population with its economic fallout.

2023 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (PDF)
The Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) program provides eligible, economically disadvantaged students with comprehensive academic support, counseling, financial aid, and an array of other services that enable students to remain enrolled and achieve their educational and career goals. 

2023 State Leadership Accountability Act Report (PDF)
In accordance with the State Leadership Accountability Act (Leadership Accountability), the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges submits this report on the review of our internal control and monitoring systems for the biennial period ending December 31, 2023.

2018-22 Economic Workforce Development Program Legislative Report (PDF)
Codified in 1991, the EWD program formalized earlier efforts to coordinate statewide economic development through colleges connected all over the state to their local communities and employers, as well as to provide technical training and programs for local small businesses. The program has been amended at least three times since 1991 to clarify program goals and to better align the program with California and federal needs.

2019-2021 CalWORKs Legislative Report (PDF)
In this report, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office presents a detailed summary on how CalWORKs been expended throughout the system to advance achievement goals for all students, with an emphasis on student parents current receiving CalWORKs benefits.

2021 Equal Employment Opportunity Report (PDF)
Bill 2028 in 2002 enacting a new framework for an equal employment opportunity (EEO) program for the California Community Colleges. Since then, the legislature has continued to revisit ways in which it can support community colleges as it seeks to improve equal employment opportunities and hiring practices.

California Assembly Bill 89 Modern Policing Degree Task Force Report and Recommendations (PDF) 
This report by the Assembly Bill 89 Taskforce is presented to the Board of Governors and the Legislature. The Taskforce was comprised of 14 members representing a diversity of community college faculty and administrators, law enforcement professionals, and stakeholders including representatives from the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, the Student Senate for California Community Colleges, the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST), student services leaders, and non-profit/community based organizations to generate recommendations for developing the degree program.

Mandated Programs Block Grant Report (PDF) 
Education Code 17581.7 requires the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to prepare and submit a report each year that indicates the total amount of block grant funding each community college district received in the current fiscal year.

Equitable Placement and Completion: Summary of College Funding Plans (PDF)
The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the equitable placement and completion funding plans to the Department of Finance and the Legislature as required (Education Code statute 78213.2). This will be the first of three reports with subsequent submissions due by July 2025 and 2027.

2022-23 State of the System Report (PDF)
August 2023
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office presents the 2022-23 State of the System report. The annual report details how California's 1.8 million community college students continued in 2022-2023 to make progress toward meeting – and in some cases exceeding --- our systemwide goals and again demonstrated why our 116 colleges are engines for equity and social mobility in California.

2023 Affordable Student Housing Construction Grant (PDF)
August 2023
Historically, student housing has been scarce among community colleges in California, with only 12 of the 116 colleges in the system offering student housing. In response to California’s shortage of affordable housing and to address housing insecurity for California Community Colleges’ students, the California Community Colleges Board of Governors (Board of Governors) has prioritized the development of a holistic, student-centered, affordability and basic needs infrastructure.

2023 Homeless and Housing Insecurity Pilot Program Report (PDF)
May 2023
Pursuant to Education Code, Section 9795, this report offers a summary on the California Community Colleges Homeless and Housing Insecurity Pilot Program.

2021-2022 Receipts and Expenditures of Lottery Proceeds Fiscal Year 2021-22 (PDF)
April 2023
Pursuant to Section 24.60 of the Budget Act of 2021, this report provides a summary of lottery receipts and expenditures as reported by our local community college districts for the 2021-22 fiscal year.

2022 Concurrent Enrollment Report (PDF)
March 2023
This report fulfills the Education Code section 76002 requirement for the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office to submit a report each year on the number of full-time equivalent students (FTEs) claimed by each community college district.

Affordable Student Housing Taskforce Report & Recommendations (PDF) 
January 2023
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is proud to present the Affordable Student Housing Taskforce Report & Recommendations. Historically, student housing has been rare at community colleges in California, with only 12 of the 116 colleges in the system offering student housing. Unfortunately, California’s housing crisis has left millions of Californians making hard decisions about paying for housing at the expense of food, health care, childcare, and transportation – and for community colleges students, at the expense of their educational aspirations. This report offers recommendations on creating a student housing program that is committed to equity, affordability, access, student-centered design, holistic supports, district adaptability to student needs and being part of a statewide solution to housing shortages.

California Community Colleges Nursing Educational Programs (PDF)
The report organizes the requirements through the main phases of a nursing student journey, including (1) assessment; (2) enrollment; (3) retention and completion; and (4) licensure.

Strong Workforce Program Legislative Report (PDF)
Since its implementation, the Strong Workforce Program has demonstrated encouraging results in enhancing the quality and accessibility of CTE programs at California’s community colleges.The Chancellor’s Office continues working to improve opportunities for students through the Strong Workforce Program, including developing a new career mobility framework and adopting revised regulations for work-based learning experiences.

Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI) Legislative Report (PDF)
IEPI, now in its ninth year, continues to challenge the status quo and drive innovation in higher education. IEPI directs its efforts toward supporting the Vision for Success, a call to action adopted by the Board of Governors in 2017 that lays out several ambitious goals and a set of comprehensive commitments all centered on ensuring that students achieve their 
academic dreams.

LGBTQ+ Legislative Report (PDF) 
In Fiscal Year 2021-22, the governor and the State Legislature allocated $10,000,000 in one-time funding to provide additional support to LGBTQ+ students and specifically directed the investment toward evidence-based practices.

Student Equity and Achievement Legislative Report (PDF)
In this report, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office presents a detailed summary on how Student Equity and Achievement funds have been expended throughout the system to advance achievement goals for all students, with an emphasis on traditionally underrepresented student groups.

Examining CAEP Student Experiences Through Data: An analysis of the California Adult Education Program (PDF)
The Examining CAEP Student Experiences Through Data: An analysis of the California Adult Education Program report offers an analysis on the educational programs tailored to adult learners to help improve employability and upward mobility.

2022 State of the System Report: Equity for Every Student (PDF)
July 2022
This report addresses the state of the system with a focus on equitable placement practices for students. 

2022 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) / Diversity Best Practices Handbook (PDF)
June 2022
The 2022 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Handbook is a tool to advance the cultural transformation of the largest system of public higher education and one of the largest employers in California.

Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges (PDF)
June 2022 17th Edition
This 17th edition of Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges is an update of the disciplines lists including those noticed to the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges (Board of Governors) at the July 12 and September 20, 2021 meetings.

Receipts and Expenditures of Lottery Proceeds - Fiscal Year 2020-21 (PDF)
June 2022
Pursuant to Section 24.60 of the Budget Act of 2020, the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is pleased to present the report on lottery receipts and expenditures as reported by our local community college districts for the 2020-21 fiscal years.


DEI in Curriculum: Model Principles and Practices (PDF)
June 2022
The California Community College Curriculum Committee (5C) in 2020 created a set of recommended priorities that focuses on championing equity-minded curriculum and practices for credit and noncredit instruction. The committee created a workgroup in fall of 2021, charged with developing guidance for the field and recommendations on how to support the implementation of culturally relevant and responsive curriculum at local levels.

2022 Report: 2020-2021 Concurrent Enrollment Report (PDF)
March 2022
This report fulfills the Education Code section 76002 requirement for the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office to submit a report each year on the number of full-time equivalent students (FTEs) claimed by each community college district.

Report - The Economic Value of the California Community College System (PDF)
January 2022
This report assesses the impact of the California Community College System1 on the state economy and the benefits generated by the colleges for students, taxpayers, and society. The results of this study show that California’s Community Colleges create a positive net impact on the state economy and generate a positive return on investment for students, taxpayers, and society. Additional information is available in the Executive Summary and Fact Sheet.

Student Centered Action & Response: Course Section Offerings and Plans for Future Instruction (PDF)
January 2022
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is pleased to present the 2021 Report on Course Section Offerings and Plans for Future Instruction for California Community Colleges. Pursuant to Senate Bill 129 (Skinner, 2021), California community college districts are required to report on the total number of course sections offered, broken out by lecture and laboratory courses; and the percentage of course sections offered in-person, online or in a hybrid format. This report provides information on college enrollment trends, nationally and statewide, as
well as community college student demand for various course modalities and actions taken to meet student demand.

Call to Action: Reimagining Campus Policing Task Force Recommendations (PDF)
January 2022
On behalf of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is pleased to present the Call to Action: Reimagining Campus Policing Task Force Recommendations report. A diverse Reimagining Campus Policing Task Force was assembled to study and analyze campus policing practices at California community colleges. After nearly a year, the task force drafted this set of substantive recommendations to enhance campus policing and campus climate as well as impact student success as part of this broad Call to Action to mitigate structural racism.

Guided Pathways Legislative Report (PDF)
Guided by the Vision for Success as the system’s “North Star,” the California Community Colleges strives to develop empowered learners, strengthen unconditional belonging and advance career mobility for all students to meet the 
current and future workforce needs of California and contribute to the equitable economic recovery for the state.

Report on California Community Colleges Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan for 2022-23 (PDF)
November 2021
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is pleased to present the Report on California Community Colleges Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan for 2022-23. To support community college districts grow and improve their educational facilities, the Facilities Planning Unit of the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office annually reviews and approves local Five-Year Capital Outlay plans as part of the Capital Outlay grant application process. The Facilities Planning Unit also works alongside the Board of Governors to develop an annual systemwide Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan Pursuant to California Regulation and Education Code. The Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan is presented to the California Legislature in conjunction with the Governor’s Budget, and it clarifies statewide needs and priorities of the California Community Colleges.

2021 Report on California Community Colleges CTE Programs: Return to In-Person Instruction (PDF)
October 2021
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is pleased to present the 2021 report on our system CTE Programs: Return to In-Person Instruction. This report details the new processes and assets that many of our colleges developed and put in place to ensure continuity of in-person instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic. As California returns to more traditional operations, this report also serves as a reference in the planning process as colleges return to on-site operations.

2021 State of the System Report (PDF)
July 2021
The past year has been a test like no other for our students, faculty and staff, serving up pain and loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic and racial injustice. Yet despite these challenges we continue to show progress toward meeting goals of the system’s Vision for Success, which sets a path to increase certificate and degree attainment, to improve transfer and to close equity gaps. We have emerged from this trying year as a higher education system that is stronger and more resilient than ever, and our “new normal” is one defined by empathy, innovation and steadfast commitment to closing equity gaps.

California Community Colleges Athlete Name, Image, and Likeness Working Group (PDF)
June 2021
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is pleased to present the report on California Community College Athletes Name, Image, and Likeness. Senate Bill 206 directed the Chancellor’s Office to convene a working group on the issue of community college athlete name, image, and likeness (NIL). This working group, now known as the Senate Bill 206 Statutory California Community Colleges Athletes Name, Image, and Likeness Working Group was charged with review existing California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA) bylaws; state/federal laws; and national athletic association bylaws regarding a college athlete’s use of the athlete’s name, image, and likeness for compensation; and  to submit a report to the CCCAA and the Legislature containing its findings. The recommendations and the conclusions of the Working Group align with the direction of California community colleges and, if implemented, will result in equity and economic opportunity for the 24,000 athletes in the system.

COVID-19 Response Block Grant - Federal Coronavirus Relief Fund Expenditures (PDF)
April 2021
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is pleased to present the COVID-19 Response Block Grant - Federal Coronavirus Relief Fund Expenditures Report. This report details how California's community colleges used $53.975 million in federal Coronavirus Relief Funds to continue serving our system's 2.1 million students, prioritizing those who are traditionally underserved and at higher risk of learning loss and dropping out.

Receipts and Expenditures of Lottery Proceeds Fiscal Year 2019-20 (PDF)
May 2021
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is pleased to present the California Community Colleges report on receipts and expenditures of Lottery proceeds fiscal year 2019-20. This report is pursuant to Section 24.60 of the Budget Act of 2019.

NextUp (CAFYES) Foster Youth Program Legislative Report (PDF)
May 2021
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is pleased to present the California Community Colleges report on the NextUp foster youth program, also referred to as CAFYES (Cooperating Agencies Foster Youth Educational Support. In this report, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office describes the foster youth program implementation, services and supports offered; outcome data; student perspectives; and recommendations for program expansion.

Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI) Legislative Report (PDF)
April 2021
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is pleased to present the California Community Colleges report on the Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI) collaborative effort to help colleges and districts improve their fiscal and operational effectiveness and promote student success. This report details the IEPI activities funded pursuant to the funding allocation and provides an update on college and district institutional effectiveness indicator goals.

Top 10 Student Centered Uses Of Federal Stimulus Resources (PDF)
The American Rescue Plan presents hope and opportunity amidst a difficult year. The $2.3 billion investment that California’s community colleges will soon receive from the Federal stimulus provides leaders an opportunity to innovatively re-invest the one-time funds in much-needed systemic changes that can ensure equitable opportunities and outcomes for all students. The Chancellor's Office has crafted 10 ideas centered around student needs and the urgency to act in their best interest.

College and Career Access Pathways (PDF)
April 2021
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is pleased to present the California Community Colleges report on College and Career Access Pathways. This report is submitted by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to satisfy the requirements of Assembly Bill 288 (AB 288) and Assembly Bill 30 (AB 30). It includes an evaluation of College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) partnerships, an assessment of trends in the growth of special admits and recommendations for program improvements.

Zero-Textbook-Cost Degree Grant Program (PDF)
April 2021
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is pleased to present the 2020 Zero-Textbook-Cost Degree Grant Program legislative report. In this report, the Chancellor’s Office summarizes the efforts to implement the Zero-Textbook-Cost Degree Grant Program to reduce the overall cost of education for students and decrease the time it takes students to complete degree and certificate programs. These are key goals of the California Community Colleges’ Vision for Success, our framework to ensure students of all backgrounds succeed in reaching their higher educational goals.

Student Success Completion Grant (PDF)
February 2021
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is pleased to present the 2020 Student Success Completion Grant legislative report. The Student Success Completion Grant program was created by combining the Community College Completion Grant (CCCG) and the Full-Time Student Success Grant (FTSSG). Specifically, the program provides eligible community college students with an additional $649 per semester or quarter equivalent for enrolling in 12-14 units and $2,000 for students enrolled in 15 or more units These funds go to eligible Cal B and C recipients and help in closing the total cost of attendance financial gap as well as lessening the financial burden for low-income and disadvantaged students. This report reflects data on student success from the 2018-19 academic year.

2020 Mental Health Services Report (PDF)
October 2020
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is pleased to present the 2020 Mental Health Services Report. This report describes the student mental health programs, policies, and practices being implemented; the number of expected students and faculty members who will receive services under this allocation; and a brief series of recommendations. California community colleges have seen enormous value for their students in the short time the mental health funding has been in place and have identified areas of continued need. An ongoing and consistent source of funding for student mental health services would assist colleges in expanding and scaling their most successful programs and practices.

2020 Disabled Student Program and Services Report (PDF)
August 2020
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is pleased to present the 2020 legislative report on Disabled Student Program and Services (DSPS). One hundred and fourteen California community colleges offer a DSPS program and accept DSPS categorical funding to assist in providing students with disabilities equal access to higher education. This report is written in response to Education Code section 67312(b). It reflects the 2017-18 and 2018-19 academic years and contains data on the four elements mandated by legislation, staff and student perception of program effectiveness, data on the implementation of the program, physical accessibility requirements and outcome data.

2020 CalWORKs Program Report (PDF)
August 2020
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is pleased to present the 2020 CalWORKs Program Report. This report summarizes the evolution of the funding sources for the CalWORKs program, including detailed information about spending-by-category through CalWORKs over the last five years. It also details who is served by the CalWORKs program and the degrees/certificates awarded to CalWORKs recipients.

2021-22 Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan Report (PDF)
August 2020
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and the Board of Governors are pleased to release the 2021-22 Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan for the California Community Colleges. To support community college districts grow and improve their educational facilities, the Facilities Planning Unit of the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office annually reviews and approves local Five-Year Capital Outlay plans as part of the Capital Outlay grant application process. The Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan is presented to California Legislature in conjunction with the Governor’s Budget, and it clarifies statewide needs and priorities of the California Community Colleges.

2020 State of the System Report (PDF)
July 2020
The 2020 State of the System report details the goals outlined in the system’s Vision for Success and shows the number of community college students who earn college credentials increased by 20% over the past two years, meeting one of six goals outlined in the Vision for Success ahead of schedule. The report also highlights colleges are making progress toward meeting the other goals, which includes narrowing the achievement gaps among students of color and those who live in poorer regions of our state.

Receipts and Expenditures of Lottery Proceeds Fiscal Year 2018-19 (PDF)
The California Community Colleges is pleased to present the report on Receipts and Expenditures of Lottery Proceeds, which includes the summary of lottery receipts and expenditures as reported by our local community college districts for the 2018-19 fiscal year.

Vision for Success Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force Report (PDF)
The California Community Colleges is pleased to present the Vision for Success Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force report. The report summarizes three recommendations by the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force to increase faculty and staff diversity in our system and documents the intensive six-month process the Chancellor’s Office and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force undertook to identify strategies to increase the racial and ethnic diversity of the California community college workforce. The report also illustrates the systematic approach the Chancellor’s Office is taking in partnership with key stakeholder groups to collectively improve faculty and staff racial and ethnic diversity.

Reports and Recommendations for Improving Black and African American Student Outcomes (PDF)
The California Community Colleges’ Vision for Success focuses on full and open access to higher education and improved student outcomes for all Californians. To that end, the Chancellor’s Office is working to increase the lagging enrollment and completion rates of Black and African American students at college campuses throughout the state. This report details the efforts and outcomes to address the issue.

Credit for Prior Learning Initiative: Findings and Recommendations to Expand Credit for Prior Learning as a Vision for Success Strategy (PDF)
Success Center for California Community Colleges, 2019. The report was published in 2019, its findings and recommendations support colleges’ ongoing efforts to support and sustain Vision for Success strategies.

2019 Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Legislative Report
March 2020
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is pleased to present the 2019 report on the California Community Colleges’ Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI). The initiative is a statewide collaborative effort to significantly improve student outcomes and advance the effective practices of the California Community Colleges while reducing the number of accreditation sanctions and state and federal audit issues. This report details the IEPI activities funded pursuant to the funding allocation and provides an update on college and district institutional effectiveness indicator goals.

2020 Concurrent Enrollment Report
February 2020
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is pleased to present the 2020 Concurrent Enrollment report. This report is prepared in response to Education Code section 76002, which requires the Chancellor's Office to submit a report on the number of full-time equivalent students claimed by each community colleges district for special part-time and special full-time students. 

2019 State Leadership Accountability Act Report (PDF)
December 2019
The State Leadership Accountability Act (SLAA), created by Government Code sections 13400 through 13407, requires each state agency to maintain effective systems of internal control, evaluate its internal controls on an ongoing basis through regular and ongoing monitoring processes, and implement corrective action plans when weaknesses are detected. The SLAA report is submitted to the Department of Finance biennially to report on the adequacy of the agency's systems of internal control.

2018-19 Guided Pathways Legislative Report
October 2019
In 2017, the California Community Colleges, supported by the legislature, committed to implementing Guided Pathways, a nationally recognized, evidence-based student success strategy. Guided Pathways promised the transformational change in students’ experiences that would keep the system standing as the backbone of higher education in the state and the leading provider of career and workforce training. Guided Pathways, like equity, is a set of principles that guides the system’s collective efforts. This report summarizes the system’s progress to that end this past year, utilizing the state’s five-year, $150 million Guided Pathways investment.

2020-21 Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan for the California Community Colleges
September 2019
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and the Board of Governors are pleased to release the 2020-21 Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan for the California Community Colleges. To support community college districts grow and improve their educational facilities, the Facilities Planning Unit of the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office annually reviews and approves local Five-Year Capital Outlay plans as part of the Capital Outlay grant application process. The Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan is presented to California Legislature in conjunction with the Governor’s Budget, and it clarifies statewide needs and priorities of the California Community Colleges.

2019 Mental Health Services Report
July 2019
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is pleased to present the 2019 Mental Health Services report. This report details the student mental health programs, policies, and practices being implemented across the California Community Colleges, along with the types of services students will receive under this allocation and a brief series of recommendations.

2018 Equal Employment Opportunity Report
July 2019
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is pleased to present the 2018 California Community Colleges Equal Employment Opportunity report. This report details the demographic composition of faculty, and our system's efforts to encourage and assist the community colleges to promote equal employment opportunity.

2019 Lottery Expenditure Report
July 2019
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is pleased to present the 2019 California Community Colleges Lottery Funds report. This report provides data on lottery receipts and expenditures as reported by the local community college districts for the 2017-18 fiscal year.

2019 Nursing Educational Programs Legislative Report
July 2019
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is pleased to present the 2019 Nursing Educational Programs Report. This report provides information on funding for nursing programs, admission criteria, statistics on student attrition and license exam passage rates, among other data.

2019 CalWORKs Program Legislative Report
May 2019
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is pleased to present the 2019 CalWORKs Program Report. This report summarizes the evolution of the funding sources for the CalWORKs program, including detailed information about spending-by-category through CalWORKs over the last five years. It also details who is served by the CalWORKs program and the degrees/certificates awarded to CalWORKs recipients.

2018 Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Report
May 2019
The Institutional Effectiveness division of the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office oversees the development and operation of a comprehensive technical assistance program. The program aims to identify and scale-up effective practices, and provide technical assistance, training and support to colleges facing operational challenges. The 2018 Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Legislative Report details the activities funded pursuant to the funding allocation and provides progress toward college and district institutional effectiveness indicator goals.

2019 State of the System Report
April 2019
The 2019 State of the System report details the goals outlined in the system’s Vision for Success and shows modest improvement in the number of students earning a credential, transferring to a UC or CSU and going on to be employed in their field of study. This report also highlights key programs and policy changes that will help the system’s 115 colleges continue to move towards implementing the Vision so that all California community college students can achieve their higher educational goals.

2019 California Community Colleges #RealCollege Survey Report
March 2019
The #RealCollege survey is the nation’s largest annual assessment of basic needs security among college students.

2018 Incarcerated Students Report
February 2019
In this 2018 Incarcerated Student Services Report, the Chancellor’s Office presents its findings, evaluations and analysis of the success and efficacy of community college programs being offered to incarcerated students inside California state prisons. The report also discusses barriers and challenges that have been encountered and provides recommendations for sustainable success.

2019 Program and Course Approval Handbook
November 2019
The 7th edition of the Program and Course Approval Handbook for California Community Colleges assists California community college administrators, faculty and classified professionals in the development of programs and courses and the submission of these proposals for review and chaptering by the Chancellor's Office. 

2018 Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators Handbook
February 2019
The 13th edition of the Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges is an update of the disciplines lists, including those adopted by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors at its regularly scheduled meeting on March 19-20, 2018. It incorporates changes that resulted from recommendations from the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and its delegates and includes a comprehensive review of regulations regarding the minimum qualifications and disciplines lists.

2017 Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators Handbook
July 2017
The 12th edition of the Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges is an update of the disciplines lists, including those adopted by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors at its regularly scheduled meeting on July 17, 2017. It incorporates changes that resulted from recommendations from the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and its delegates and includes a comprehensive review of regulations regarding the minimum qualifications and disciplines lists.

Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Best Practices Handbook
December 2016
This document is intended to serve as a guide to using Equal Employment Opportunity programs to promote diversity in hiring and promotion at our community college districts.

Student Services Automated Reporting for Community Colleges Handbook
November 2016
This handbook is designed to help Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSPS) directors prepare the end-of-year expenditure report in Student Services Automated Reporting for Community Colleges.

California Community Colleges Style Guide
The Chancellor’s Office is the official voice for higher education to many audiences. All of us strive to inspire our readers by providing information about the critical role community colleges play in California’s future. As such, effective communication requires a common voice combined with consistent visual branding. The Office of Communications created the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Style Guide as a reference for all who write and edit documents for our external audiences.