In March “I Can Afford College” launched two in a series of six digital-first webisodes titled “Hello College, It’s Me, Lupita!” that speaks to both Latinx youth and general-market audiences. The series builds on the success of the nationally recognized 2016-2018 “I Can” telenovela-style video series, “El Gran Sueno de Maria Esperanza” (“Maria Esperanza’s Big Dream”).

While research shows that adults prefer to receive information in-language, youth audiences consume information in English. This YouTube-based series aims to appeal to the general youth market with a fresh, modern format on YouTube, and also reach the nearly 40% of Latinx Californians and the more than 28% of households statewide that are Spanish-speaking with a “Spanglish” style dialogue.

The host and main character of this YouTube-based series is Lupita, whose ambitions are to go to college and study graphic design. She is a fictional character created to host this series to share valuable information about financial aid, transfer and career opportunities at California community colleges. Much like the teen and young adult YouTube channel hosts that have reached millions of followers, Lupita talks about her life, friends and family, and through those interactions offers advice on a specific topic: how to pay for your college education with financial aid available at California community colleges.

In addition to the four webisodes that will be included on the YouTube channel in coming weeks and months, digital promotions are running on social media sites including Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat. The promotional ads are geo-targeted to areas with highest concentrations of Latinx communities to help ensure the campaign reaches the primary intended audience. After just three weeks the digital promotions and the first two episodes have received nearly 1.5 million views!

See what all the excitement is about and visit YouTube today and check out the “I Can Afford College” campaign’s “Hello College, It’s Me, Lupita!” YouTube series. And, stay tuned to the “I Can Afford College” YouTube channel and social media pages for more web-series and telenovela-style ads to come.

A big “thank you!” to Los Angeles Valley College for hosting the film crew to capture Lupita’s college scenes on-location.