The RSI Hourly Reimbursement program utilizes prop 98 funding to reimburse apprenticeship programs for the hours of RSI they provide to apprentices. It is one of multiple options for apprenticeship programs to receive reimbursement for RSI provided. The Chancellor’s Office (CO) reimbursement of RSI is governed by the California Education Code sections 79149 through 79149.7 for Community College Districts (CCDs) and sections 8150 through 8155 for K-12 Local Education Agencies (K-12 LEAs).

Total funding amount is $93 million for fiscal year 2023-24.

Program Outcomes and Alignment to Vision for Success Goals

The RSI Program supports the vision for success goals 1, 4, and 5. The program:

  • Increases the number of students who acquire credentials, certificates, or specific skill sets that prepare them for an in-demand job.
  • Increases the number of exiting CTE students who report being employed in their field of study.
  • Serves more traditionally underrepresented student groups than not, 70% of apprentices are traditionally underrepresented students.

Program Collaboration

Apprenticeship programs draw resources or interact directly or indirectly with Perkins, SWP, Adult Ed, CAI, and ETP programs. They work with COEs, K-12 LEAs, colleges, CCDs, and employers. The RSI Program must work in close relationship with the Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) and the California Apprenticeship Council (CAC). Additionally, a separate portion of RSI funding is disbursed through the CO apportionment system that WEDD is responsible for reporting on to the CAC.

Program Implementation

  • On an annual basis, the CO provides the Department of Finance (DOF) an estimate of RSI funding needs separated by CCD and K-12 LEAs.
  • DOF determines the amount of funding the program will receive—the allotment—and an hourly rate for reimbursement. DOF divides the allotment between CCDs and K-12 LEAs, but the reimbursement rate is the same for each.
  • The CO assigns each CCD and K-12 LEAs that have requested RSI funding hours based on their past use and the allotment available to their group.
  • In NOVA, CCDs and K-12 LEAs report the actual hours of RSI that they provided throughout the year.
  • CO completes the ReCalc process:
    • Reimburse RSI hours up to each K-12 LEA/CCD's allotment
    • Reimburse RSI hours reported by K-12 LEAs and CCDs beyond their allotments.
    • Determine funding that is transitioned from RSI to general apportionment per K-12 LEA/CCD

Program Highlights

  • The RSI Program provides funding that supports ongoing apprenticeship programs. The funding may be used to pay for the costs of RSI, a mandatory piece of apprenticeship programs. RSI may not be used to support pre-apprenticeship programs.
  • 30 CCDs currently receive RSI funding.