Developing Our Future Workforce

California apprenticeship programs represent the future of California’s innovative economy, and our education systems are at the forefront of not only ensuring apprentices have the knowledge base necessary for in-demand jobs, but also to inspire lifelong learning that may lead to advancement in their careers.

Apprenticeships combine paid on-the-job training with classroom instruction to prepare workers for highly skilled careers and have proven an effective model in preparing American workers to compete in today’s economy. While apprenticeship programs were initially built for industries such as construction and manufacturing, apprenticeships are now instrumental for training and career preparedness in growing and emerging industries throughout the state, including education, information technology, and culinary arts.

The Chancellors Office provides funding through the California Apprenticeship Initiative (CAI) New and Innovative (N&I) Grant Program to create or bolster apprenticeship opportunities in priority and emerging industry sectors or areas in which apprenticeship training is not fully established or does not exist. In addition, the Chancellors Office allocates funds through the Related and Supplemental Reimbursement (RSI) Program for the purpose of reimbursing Community College Districts (CCD) and K-12 local education agencies (LEA) for the attendance of apprentices enrolled in any class maintained by a CCD or K-12 LEA pursuant to Section 3074 of the Labor Code.

If you would like to stay informed on apprenticeship and RSI updates, join our new Workforce and Economic Development listserv please subscribe by following this link LISTSERV - Subscribe (WEDD_ALL) - LISTSERV.CCCNEXT.NET.  Once subscribed you will receive and email to confirm.  Don’t forget to click on that link.

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Virtual Office Hours

The Workforce & Economic Development Apprenticeship Team offers virtual office hours to assist with grant questions or issues. Stop by with your questions or just pop in to say hello! Hours are open, so feel free to join and stay only as long as needed.

Office Hours:
2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month between the hours of 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm. 

Meeting ID: 837 5257 7222

Join the Zoom Meeting