In June 2020, the Chancellor's Office released the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Call to Action which called for, among other things, campuses to audit classroom climate and create action plans to create inclusive classrooms and anti-racist curriculum. Historically, ethnic studies is the interdisciplinary and comparative study of race and ethnicity with special focus on four historically defined racialized groups: Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders, and Latina/o Americans. As such, instituting ethnic studies as a graduation requirement for the Associate degree is an important step in diversifying curriculum and one important tool for creating inclusive curriculum.
Also in 2020, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) adopted resolution 9.03 calling for an ethnic studies graduation requirement. The Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) similarly adopted resolution S21.0l.05 also advocating for an ethnic studies graduation requirement. Additionally, the California Community Colleges Ethnic Studies Faculty Council (CCCESFC), consisting of 200 ethnic studies faculty from across the California Community College system, hosted two CCC Ethnic Studies Summits advocating for this (and other) ethnic studies reform. There was a clear call from both faculty and students to implement an ethnic studies graduation requirement.
The Chancellor's Office and the California Community Colleges Curriculum Committee (5C) responded to that call and developed revisions to California Code of Regulations, title 5, to implement an ethnic studies graduation requirement. At the July 2021 Board of Governors meeting, the Board unanimously approved those revisions, adding an ethnic studies graduation requirement. In collaboration with the ASCCC and the CCCESFC, an Ethnic Studies Taskforce was established to support the implementation of the CCC ethnic studies graduation requirement.
- Memo ESS 23-29 Seamless Transfer of Ethnic Studies - Allocation for Implementation ~ (PDF)
- Allocation for Implementation FAQ ~ (PDF)
- Allocation for Implementation NOVA FAQ ~ (PDF)
- ESS 22-300-011 Ethnic Studies Area F Course Certifications ~ (PDF)
- ESS 22-300-008 CCC Ethnic Studies Implementation Update ~ (PDF)
- ESS 21-300-014 Ethnic Studies Implementation ~ (PDF)
- ESS 21-300-001 Ethnic Studies Transfer Alignment ~ (PDF)
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