Noncredit Education

Noncredit instruction includes an array of no-cost courses that help students reach their personal, academic and professional goals. Ten noncredit categories are established to classify a noncredit course in accordance with its primary objective. The categories of noncredit courses are eligible for state apportionment in accordance with California education Code sections 84757(a) and 84760.5 and California Code Regulations title 5, section 58160.

Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP)

The enactment of the Community College Funding Legislation (Senate Bill 361, Scott 2006) established the Career Development and the College Preparation (CDCP) program. Certificates are offered in several areas of study. Colleges may offer noncredit programs of two or more courses to prepare students for employment or to be successful in college-level credit coursework.

California Education Code sections 84750.5 (uniform rate per FTES), 84760.5 (CDCP categories), and provisions of the California Code Regulations title 5, section 55151, et sec describe policy governing the establishment of Career Development and College Preparation program offerings.

Noncredit courses offered in the four distinct categories (instructional domains) of English as a Second Language (ESL), Elementary and Secondary Basic Skills, Short-term Vocational, and Workforce Preparation are eligible for "enhanced funding" when sequenced to lead to a certificate of completion, or certificate of competency, in accordance with the provisions of the California Education Code governing Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) programs.

  1. Subdivision (e) of Education Code section 84760.5 requires the Chancellor’s Office to submit an annual report to the California Department of Finance and the Legislature on or before July 1st. The report details the following:
    The amount of full-time equivalent students claimed by each community college district for Career Development and College Preparation courses and
  2. The specific certificate programs and course titles of Career Development and College Preparation courses and classes receiving additional funding pursuant to section 84760.5, as well as the number of those courses and classes receiving additional funding. 

Annual reports are accessible by clicking here: Annual CDCP Reporting

Adult High School Diploma Program (AHSD)

Colleges may offer a High School Diploma Program, as described in California Code of Regulations, title 5, section 55154. The Adult High School Diploma Conveys the same status as completion of a K-12 diploma.

Community Services Offerings (fee based not-for-credit courses that do not generate state apportionment)

Many colleges also provide Community Services Offerings (often referred to as fee-based classes or Community Education) based on community needs. These offerings cover a wide variety of affordable not-for-credit learning opportunities, such as classes, workshops, seminars, and excursions for personal and professional enrichment. Community Services programs are self-supporting at the local level, and are open to all members of the community willing to pay a minimum fee. Chancellor's Office approval is not required for Community Services Offerings. California Education Code section 78300 and California of Regulations title 5, section 550002(d) describe and govern Community Services Offering policy.

For additional information, see the ACCE links below.  

Noncredit Resources