
1. What is the purpose of the DOF CRF web portal?

  • To collect CRF expenditures and obligations statewide for federal reporting.
  • For DOF to meet requirements of control section 11.90 (not applicable to CCDs/CCCs).

2. What am I required to report on the DOF CRF (Federal Funds) web portal?

Community college districts should report expenditure and obligation amounts for the specific reporting period (quarter). Reporting is at the district level. Districts should obtain and summarize expenditures for all colleges and enter the district totals per category in the web portal.

3. Do we need to report Proposition 98 (State Funds) in the CRF web portal?

No. The CRF web portal is for reporting CARES Act – CRF federal funds provided as a part of the COVID‑19 Block Grant Response.

4. Are indirect costs eligible?

Indirect costs are eligible if they relate to a newly established program or service necessary to mitigate or address the COVID-19 pandemic emergency.

5. How do I access the DOF CRF reporting web portal?

Go to DOF webpage > COVID-19 Information > Coronavirus Relief Fund Reporting Portal to access the portal and begin the reporting process.

Only one e-mail address can be used, per district, for reporting purposes. Accounts cannot be linked. You can either create a generic “shared” e-mail or you will need to share credentials.  If you cannot share these credentials, then the only option is to create a new record, and delete any prior records that were started.

6. When am I required to input the expenditure and obligations information?

Below is a summary of the reporting cycles, the periods covered in each report, dates reports are due to Finance, and dates when the data is due to the U.S. Treasury, Office of the Inspector General. Reporting is cumulative; if changes are necessary to a prior report, report incrementally on the next reporting cycle. Data reported to the U.S. Treasury will be provided to the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee.

Reporting Cycle Reporting Period

Recipients Reports

Due to Finance

State Reports

Due to US Treasury

 Cycle 1 3/1-6/30/2020 9/14/2020 See Below
 Cycle 2 7/1-9/30/2020 10/12/2020 See Below
 Cycle 1/2 3/1-9/30/2020 10/12/2020 12/15/2020*
 Cycle 3 10/1-12/31/2020 1/6/2021 1/11/2021
 Cycle 4 1/1/-3/31/2021 4/7/2021 4/12/2021
 Cycle 5 4/1-6/30/2021 7/7/2021 7/12/2021
 Cycle 6 7/1-9/30/2021 10/6/2021 10/12/2021

*Combined reporting using recently approved upload process authorized by U.S. Treasury. 

7. Who should enter the data into DOF’s CRF reporting web portal?

District CBO’s, who signed the Chancellor’s Office CRF fund certifications, should delegate the data entry tasks to appropriate staff. CBOs should review to verify that the data is accurate prior to approval and submission.

8. Where do I obtain guidance on what expenditures are eligible and ineligible?

The authorized uses are governed by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s (Treasury) federal guidance for CRF funds and the Treasury’s FAQs. The DOF has also developed CRF FAQs. Please discuss any questionable expenditures with your legal counsel and auditors to ensure you are meeting the federal requirements outlined in the guidance and set forth in section 601(d) of the Social Security Act, as added by section 5001 of the CARES Act.

9. What is the expenditure/obligation period for the CRF funds?

Funds must be used on costs incurred between March 1, 2020 and December 30, 2020. The certification form states that Districts must return any remaining unexpended or unobligated funds after the December 30, 2020 deadline. Per the federal guidance (updated on June 30, 2020), cost incurred means performance or delivery must occur during the covered period.  The Treasury considers a reasonable liquidation period to be 90 days, or through March 21, 2021, to complete all payments of obligated CRF funds.

10. Do I need to register in, if I have an active account and DUNS number?

No. recipients and sub-recipients can use their current accounts and DUNS numbers in the CRF reporting web portal.

DOF Reporting Tool

Sample Web Form Data for CRF Reporting — An excel sample of the primary fields that will be required for the October 12, 2020 report. The web portal is modeled after this template. NOTE: This sample is not intended for official reporting purposes.


1. What are the funding sources of the COVID-19 Response Block Grant?

The 2020-21 Budget Act provides California Community College districts (CCD) with federal and state relief funds in the form of a $120 million COVID-19 Block Grant (block grant). The block grant is comprised of $66.255 million from one-time Proposition 98 funds and $53.975 million from the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF), a component of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).

2. How will the block grant funds be distributed?

The block grant funds will be issued in the monthly apportionments by electronic funds transfer handled by SCO.

3. What costs are covered with the Coronavirus Relief Funds?

The CARES Act requires that the payments from the Coronavirus Relief Fund only be used to cover costs that—

  • Are necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19);
  • Were not accounted for in the budget most recently approved as of March 27, 2020 (the date of enactment of the CARES Act) for the State or government; and
  • Were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020, and ends on December 30, 2020

For additional guidance review the Treasury’s Guidance and FAQs on the Treasury’s webpage.

4. Who is required to report on the uses of the COVID-19 Response Block Grant Funds?

Quarterly reporting is required at the district level. CCDs should obtain and summarize expenditures for all colleges and enter the district totals per category in the Department of Finance’s (DOF) CRF reporting web portal. Also, see Chancellor’s Office block grant webpage for our reporting FAQs, Block Grant memos, and crosswalk of federal and state fund uses.

CCDs received the Chancellor’s Office 2020 COVID-19 Response Block Grant Federal Portion – CRF Expenditure Report on November 19, 2020. The expense report is due to the Chancellor’s Office on or before January 6, 2021. Please submit through our email.

If you need a copy of the report template, request by email from Lorena Romero, Specialist,

The Chancellor’s Office 2020 COVID-19 Response Block Grant State Portion – Prop 98 Expenditure Report will be provided at a later date. The Prop 98 Expenditure Report is due to the Chancellor’s Office on or before, October 1, 2023.