June 27, 2022
Contact: Melissa Villarin
Office: 916-327-5365
Office E-mail: MVillarin@CCCCO.edu

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California Community Colleges Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley issued the following statement on the budget agreement reached by legislative leaders and Gov. Gavin Newsom:

"Students are clear winners in this budget, as it charts a course for future Cal Grant expansion that will help make state financial aid more equitable for community college students, who have traditionally been left behind in state student assistance, while also accelerating investments in much needed affordable student housing projects. The budget agreement reached by Legislative leaders and Gov. Gavin Newsom positions the California Community Colleges to better serve students, with historic per-student funding increases as well as investments in talent and technology that will strengthen educational equity and economic mobility for Californians. The agreement solidifies the Roadmap for the Future, which establishes goals and resources, including increased capacity for the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, to drive equitable improvements in credential attainment and transfer outcomes across all state higher education segments. We applaud the Legislature and Governor for leveraging this historic budget agreement to put California public higher education on track to help students equitably succeed and move our state forward."

The California Community Colleges is the largest system of higher education in the nation, composed of 73 districts and 116 colleges serving 1.8 million students per year. California community colleges provide career education and workforce training; guaranteed transfer to four-year universities; and degree and certificate pathways. As the state’s engine for social and economic mobility, the California Community Colleges supports the Vision for Success, a strategic plan designed to improve student success outcomes, increase transfer rates and eliminate achievement gaps. For more information, please visit the California Community Colleges website or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
