The Board of Governors has adopted an overall policy on Consultation as well as Standing Orders (Sections 330-342) which establish the basic structure of the Consultation Process. The Standing Orders further direct the Chancellor to adopt such Executive Orders as are necessary to implement these Standing Orders and Board Policy. The following Executive Orders are established to carry out this directive.1. The Consultation Council.
The Consultation Council shall consist of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges and the following membership:
Institutional Representatives:
- 2 chief executive officers of community college districts, who shall be selected by the Chief Executive Officers of the California Community Colleges
- 2 community college faculty members, who shall be selected by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
- 2 students, who shall be selected by the Student Senate for California Community Colleges
- 1 chief business officer, who shall be selected by the Association of Chief Business Officers
- 1 chief student services officer, who shall be selected by the California Community Colleges Chief Student Services Administrators Association
- 1 chief instructional officer, who shall be selected by the Chief Instructional Officers of the California Community Colleges
- 1 chief human resources officer, who shall be selected by Chief Human Resources Officer/Affirmative Action Officer
- 1 local trustee, who shall be selected by the California Community College Trustees
Organizational Representatives:
- 1 representative of the Association of California Community College Administrators
- 1 representative of the California Student Association of Community Colleges
- 1 representative of the Community College Association/California Teachers Association
- 1 representative of the Community College Council/California Federation of Teachers
- 1 representative of the Council of Classified Employees/California Federation of Teachers
- 1 representative of the California Community Colleges Independents
- 1 representative of the Community College League of California
- 1 representative of the California School Employees Association
- 1 representative of the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges
To further inform and facilitate discussion, the Chancellor may invite other organizations, individuals, and staff to participate in selected discussions of the Council.
2. Introducing Items into Consultation.
Whenever the Chancellor or any institutional or organizational member of the Consultation Council proposes that the Chancellor or the Board of Governors address an issue, it should be brought forward to the Consultation Council in the form of a Consultation Digest which clearly and succinctly defines the issue or problem to be addressed, provides a brief background on the issue, and describes the various alternative approaches to addressing the issue. Consultation Digests are to be in writing. By first addressing Consultation Digests instead of fully-developed legislative, regulatory, or other proposals, the focus will be on: whether the issue is one which requires attention, how the issue should be defined and addressed, and what the best forum is for developing a draft solution to be further considered in Consultation.
3. Responsibilities of Organizations with Members on the Consultation Council.
Organizations who appoint institutional or organizational representatives to the Consultation Council shall establish and maintain procedures: for communicating with their constituencies, for securing the input and views of their constituencies, and for representing the views of their constituencies.
4. Roles of Organizations and Parties Other Than Those on The Consultation Council.
Community College Organizations other than those on the Consultation Council are requested to work through an appropriate organization which is on the Consultation Council, and to otherwise communicate advice and concerns to the Chancellor. Organizations and parties other than those on the Consultation Council can propose items to be considered in Consultation. The preferred approach is to work with a member organization to develop a proposal that can be sponsored by the member organization. In addition, organizations and parties outside of the Consultation structure can comment to the Chancellor and/or the Board of Governors on any item that is being considered in Consultation. When regulations are involved, these organizations and parties have a legal right to make such comments, and the Chancellor and the Board of Governors are required by law to consider such comments.
5. Roles of the Chancellor and Chancellor's Staff.
- The Chancellor will promote efforts to obtain jointly-developed recommendations arrived at through Consultation. While substantial deference will be afforded to jointly-developed recommendations, the Chancellor reserves the right to make a different recommendation to the Board of Governors. Also, in the event that, despite good faith efforts, consensus has not been reached through Consultation, and there is a need to act, the Chancellor reserves the right to take a recommendation to the Board of Governors. In either instance, it will be the practice of the Chancellor, before taking a recommendation to the Board, to discuss with the Consultation Council his or her concerns with any problematic recommendations and his or her reasons for recommending a different action.
- Chancellor's Office staff, as the agents of the Chancellor in the Consultation Process, also have the obligation to promote efforts to obtain jointly-developed recommendations arrived at through Consultation. Chancellor's Office staff shall serve as a resource to organizations that appoint the institutional representatives of the Consultation Council. Responsibilities of the Chancellor's Office staff shall include attending and participating in meetings of the executive bodies of such organizations, serving as a resource on information about policies being developed in Consultation, and, upon request, assisting with the development of the meeting agenda for such organizations.
6. Meetings of the Consultation Council.
- Agendas: The meeting agenda for the Consultation Council will be prepared and distributed to council members ten days in advance, whenever possible. The Chancellor, using mechanisms designed to solicit input from council members, will determine the agenda for the meeting. Materials must be submitted two weeks before the meeting. Materials received later will be forwarded electronically, if possible.
- Schedule of Meetings: The Chancellor shall recommend a schedule of meetings for the Consultation Council.
- Open Meetings: Meetings of the Consultation Council are open to all interested persons or organizations who wish to observe the discussions and deliberations.
- Expressing Advice: As a general rule, when the Council formulates its overall advice to the Chancellor the advice should represent the consensus of all or most members of the Council. When consensus has not been reached as to the advice to be given, this fact should be noted, and other methods of indicating agreement with the advice (including majority vote) may be used.
- Summary of Meeting: The Chancellor's Office shall provide a summary of the meeting. The summary will indicate the disposition of the various items considered by the council, including the advice provided to the Chancellor.
7. Training Participants.
Members of the Consultation Council and the executive boards of the organizations who appoint institutional representatives to the Consultation Council shall annually be provided training regarding the Consultation Process. The training shall include, but not be limited to, the purposes and mechanics of the process, and methods for resolving disputes and achieving consensus.
8. Distribution of Consultation Materials.
- General Availability: Any person or organization not otherwise provided Consultation materials at the Chancellor's Office expense may subscribe to such materials. In addition, Consultation materials will be made available electronically for those wishing to access such materials.
- Board of Governors: The Board of Governors will be provided all Consultation Digests, agendas for the Consultation Council, and summaries of meetings of the Consultation Council.
- Presidents, Boards of Trustees: Presidents of local boards will be provided all Consultation Digests, agendas, and summaries of meetings of the Consultation Council.
- Chief Executive Officers: District and College chief executive officers will receive all Consultation Digests, agendas, and summaries of meetings for the Consultation Council.
- Members of the Consultation Council: Members of the Consultation Council will receive all Consultation Digests, agendas, and summaries of meetings of the Consultation Council.