
The Office of the General Counsel issues legal advisories concerning current issues within the Board of Governors’ and the Chancellor’s jurisdiction. The advisories are intended to provide information on existing legal matters or affairs and alert local district officials on issues of systemwide concern.


The Office of the General Counsel issues written opinions when the request for review is within the Board of Governor’s and chancellor’s jurisdiction and is deemed to be of systemwide concern or continuing public interest, as opposed to individual complaints and concerns. In general, the Office of the General Counsel only issues written legal opinions for the Board of Governors or in response to a written request (by letter or e-mail) from the state Chancellor's Office or local district officials (such as members of boards of trustees, chancellors, vice chancellors, superintendent/presidents, vice presidents and district legal counsel). 


Number Title
2024-11-15  Advisory - California Sanctuary Jurisdiction

Number Title
2021-01  Advisory - Mandated COVID-19 Vaccinations

Number Title
2012-09 Opinion Student Fee Handbook (PDF) 
2012-07 Opinion Associated Student Organization (PDF) 
2012-05 Opinion SSCCC Advocacy (PDF) 
2012-03 Opinion Basic Aid Status (PDF) 

Opinion State Laws and Preemption Over City Charters (PDF) 

Number Title
 O2006-10 Opinion May a college provide instruction in Spanish, or another language other than English, in some sections of a course to those with limited English proficiency, if other sections of the course are conducted in English? (PDF) 
 O2006-08 Opinion -  May a college offer a nursing program under a contract with a hospital where the hospital pays the college for the full cost of instruction and then charges members of the public a fee to recover those costs? (PDF) 
 L 2006-07 Opinion -  Does a student incarcerated in a state prison qualify as a California resident for purposes of nonresident tuition? Is it appropriate to inquire about the student's residency prior to incarceration. (PDF) 
 2006-06 Opinion -  May a district that currently provides health services and charges a health services fee under the authority of Education Code section 76355 terminate its health services program if it also stops charging students a health services fee? (PDF) 
 O2006-05 Opinion May a district require its part-time faculty to pay for the portion of health benefit premiums not reimbursed by the state pursuant to Ed. Code section 87867? If so, can part-time faculty members be required to pay more than one-half of the total cost if the state allocation covers less than half of the cost for health benefits? (PDF) 
 L 2006-04 Opinion -  Response to questions regarding the application of Education Code section 87483 to college administrators (PDF) 


O 2006-03

Advisory October 10, 2006: AB 540 Litigation - Martinez v. U.C. Regents, et al. (PDF) 

Opinion -  Questions regarding the procedures which apply to a community college district's amendment of its application for an exemption from the requirements of Education Code section 84362 (Fifty Percent Law) (PDF) 


O 2006-02

Advisory September 27, 2006: Public Records Act Requests for Disclosure of Faculty Aggregate Grades (PDF) 

Opinion Is a student who receives a certificate of completion instead of a regular high school diploma eligible for the exemption from nonresident tuition provided by Education Code section 68130.5 (PDF) 


L 2006-01

Advisory May 18, 2006: Changes to Nondiscrimination Regulations (PDF) 

Opinion Did an election held at Grossmont College validly authorized a mandatory student center fee and, if so, may the fee revenue be used to pay the salary of a custodian to clean the student center? (PDF)