The Office of the General Counsel issues legal advisories concerning current issues within the Board of Governors’ and the Chancellor’s jurisdiction. The advisories are intended to provide information on existing legal matters or affairs and alert local district officials on issues of systemwide concern.
The Office of the General Counsel issues written opinions when the request for review is within the Board of Governor’s and chancellor’s jurisdiction and is deemed to be of systemwide concern or continuing public interest, as opposed to individual complaints and concerns. In general, the Office of the General Counsel only issues written legal opinions for the Board of Governors or in response to a written request (by letter or e-mail) from the state Chancellor's Office or local district officials (such as members of boards of trustees, chancellors, vice chancellors, superintendent/presidents, vice presidents and district legal counsel).
Number | Title |
2024-11-15 | Advisory - California Sanctuary Jurisdiction |
Number | Title |
2021-01 | Advisory - Mandated COVID-19 Vaccinations |
Number | Title |
2020-12 | Opinion - Online Class Cameras - On Requirements (PDF) |
2020-11 | Opinion - Live Synchronous Online Classes and Real-time Captioning (PDF) |
2020-09 | Advisory - Trump Administration DEI Actions (PDF) |
2020-08 |
Number | Title |
2019-03 |
Advisory - Federal Public Charge Rule Changes (PDF) Opinion - Volunteer Aides (PDF) |
2019-02 |
Advisory - AB 2210 Compliance-Nonresident Tuition (PDF) |
2019-01 |
Advisory - Assembly Bill No. 2192: New Requirements for Research Grants (PDF) Opinion - Student Athlete Meals (PDF) |
Number | Title |
2018-04 |
Advisory - Using Criminal History Records in Hiring (PDF) Advisory - CCC Policy Guidance on Fair Chance Hiring Best Practices 2-8-2019 (PDF) |
2018-03 |
Advisory - Union "Fair Share" Fees; Janus v. AFSCME and Senate Bill 866(2018) (PDF) Opinion - FIST Program and Residency of Formerly Incarcerated Students (PDF) |
2018-02 |
Advisory - Recent Additions to Nonresident Tuition Exemptions (PDF) Advisory - Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request Form (PDF) Advisory - Supplemental Questions and Answers (PDF) Advisory - AB 540 Flyer (PDF) |
2018-01 |
Advisory - Sanctuary Jurisdiction (PDF) Opinion - Unaccredited High School Diplomas (PDF) |
Number | Title |
2016-02 |
Advisory - Change in Local Election System (PDF) Opinion - Dual Enrollment and Assembly Bill 288 (CCAP) (PDF) |
2016-01 |
Advisory - Military Recruitment Request for Students List (Solomon Amendment) (PDF) Opinion - Education Code Section 67380 (Campus Safety Plan) (PDF) |
Number | Title |
2013-01 |
Advisory - CalSTRS Audit of Academic Positions at SFCCD (PDF) |
2013-02 | Opinion - Credit Course Sections Funded by Donations (PDF) |
2013-05 | Opinion - IRS Penalties for incorrect or missing TINs on IRS Form 1098-T (PDF) |
2013-06 | Opinion - Lake Tahoe CCD Nonresident Fees/Interstate Attendance Agreements (PDF) |
Number | Title |
2012-09 | Opinion - Student Fee Handbook (PDF) |
2012-07 | Opinion - Associated Student Organization (PDF) |
2012-05 | Opinion - SSCCC Advocacy (PDF) |
2012-03 | Opinion - Basic Aid Status (PDF) |
2012-01 |
Opinion - State Laws and Preemption Over City Charters (PDF) |
Number | Title |
2011-05 | Opinion - Release of Personally Identifiable Information from Education Records to Foundations (PDF) |
2011-04 | Opinion - Involuntary Drop after Census Date (PDF) |
2011-03 | Opinion - Enrollment Fee Waivers (PDF) |
2011-02 |
Advisory - AB 684: Waiver for Amending Trustee Elections (PDF) Advisory - Election Waiver Request Form (PDF) Opinion - Time Faculty Qualifications for FON Calculations (PDF) |
2011-01 |
Advisory - Discrimination Complaint Procedure (PDF) |
Number | Title |
2010-07 | Opinion - Limitations on Enrollment for Cohorts of Students (PDF) |
2010-06 | Opinion - Apportionment Claims for Classes Located on CSU or UC Campuses (PDF) |
2010-05 | Opinion - Waiver of Student Fees for Armed Forces Members (PDF) |
2010-01 | Advisory - November 2010: AB 540 Litigation (PDF) |
Number | Title |
2009-05 | Opinion - Nonresidents and Capital Outlay Fees (PDF) |
2009-04 | Opinion - Application of Catalog Rights to New Degree Requirements (PDF) |
2009-03 | Opinion - Auxiliary Organization Legal Liability (PDF) |
2009-02 | Opinion - CCCTran Transcript Fees (PDF) |
2009-01 | Opinion - Full time Faculty Obligation (PDF) |
Number | Title |
2008-02 |
Advisory - October 2008: To Be Arranged (TBA) Hours Compliance Advice (PDF) Opinion - The Civic Center Act and Partisan Political Activities (Education Code section 82537) (PDF) |
2008-01 | Advisory - September 2008: AB 540 Litigation (PDF) |
Number | Title |
2007-01 | Advisory - December 2007: Revised Guidelines and Information on AB 540 Exemption from Nonresident Tuition (PDF) |
O 07-01 | Opinion - Options for Setting Nonresident Tuition (PDF) |
L 2007-12 | Opinion - May Instructors Assign Incomplete or Failing Grades for the Purpose of Discouraging Cheating by Students? (PDF) |
L 2007-09 | Opinion - The “District’s Actual Cost” Requirement of California Code of Regulations Title 5, Section 59402(c) With Respect to Required Instructional Materials (PDF) |
L 2007-08 | Opinion - Minimum Qualifications (PDF) |
L 2007-07 | Opinion - Availability and Use of Information on Students’ Past Conduct (PDF) |
L 2007-06 | Opinion - Charging Interest on Deferred Enrollment Fees (PDF) |
L 2007-04 | Opinion - Clinical Nursing Faculty -- Interpretation of Education Code section 87482 (PDF) |
L 2007-02 | Opinion - Offering Courses Outside of District Boundaries (PDF) |