This dashboard provides completion rates for transfer-level English and mathematics (or equivalent quantitative reasoning) courses, starting from students’ first course enrollment in the discipline (whether at or below transfer level). It also provides completion rates for transfer-level mathematics courses depending on a student's mathematics pathway: Statistics and Liberal Arts Math (SLAM) or Business-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (BSTEM).

This dashboard is based on a data file (dated 11-3-2022) provided by Cal-PASS Plus to The RP Group’s Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP), which included all institutions in the California Community Colleges (N = 116) submitting to the state’s Management Information System (MIS). The data included students enrolled between fall 2011 and summer 2022. The English (N = 3,509,830) and math (N = 3,483,290) samples included all students who attended a California community college and enrolled in one or more credit English or math courses. Annual updates to the dashboard may result in slight differences in outcomes or counts due to revised data definitions or changes to course identification.

Statewide or College View

These views offer transfer-level completions and completion rates across the state or by individual college. The completion rate is the percentage of students in a given cohort (e.g., 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, etc.) who successfully completed a transfer-level course in English or math within the specified timeframe (e.g., one term, one year, two years, three years). The cohort is defined by the student's starting level and the academic year of the student's first English or math enrollment. A completion rate is also known as throughput.

Additional disaggregation options by various demographics are also available. Students with excused withdrawal (EW) grades are included in the analysis (count as valid attempt/enrollment, but not as successful completion of that course). Refer to the AB 705 Implementation document for a comparison of completion rates with and without EW grades for the 2020-2021 cohort.

Find additional information on the Statewide or College View Definitions and Methodology.

Regional View

This view allows a college to compare transfer-level completions and completion rates with peers across its region or with individual colleges within the state that may be more appropriate for comparison.  The completion rate is the percentage of students in a given cohort (e.g., 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, etc.) who successfully completed a transfer-level course in English or math within the specified timeframe (e.g., one term, one year, two years, three years). The cohort is defined by the student's starting level and the academic year of the student's first English or math enrollment. A completion rate is also known as throughput. 

Find additional information on the Regional View Definitions and Methodology.


This view offers transfer-level math completions and completion rates across the state or by individual college according to students’ math pathway: BSTEM or SLAM. Students are assigned a math pathway based on the first transfer-level course they attempted. The completion rate is the percentage of students in a given cohort (e.g., 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, etc.) who successfully completed transfer-level Calculus 1/Applied Calculus or higher, Calculus 2 or higher, and/or Statistics/Liberal Arts Math within the specified timeframe (e.g., one term, one year, two years, three years). The cohort is defined by the student’s first transfer-level math course and the academic year of the student's first math enrollment. Cohort definitions are the same in this view as in other views with one difference: students who begin math below transfer-level but never enroll in a transfer-level math course are excluded from the cohort.

Find additional information on the BSTEM/SLAM View Definitions and Methodology.

Sample Sizes: Cell sizes below 10 are suppressed; Update Cycle: Data on this dashboard will be updated at the end of each spring term; Data Source: File provided by Cal-PASS Plus on 11-03-2022; includes data for fall 2011 through summer 2022; The RP Group ran all calculations in R with DisImpact package.


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