2022-2023 Assembly Bill 79520 approved The Native American Student Support and Succes Program (NASSSP).  One-time funds, total of $30 million, allocated to 20 colleges for the implementation of NASSSP.  Legislation articulated four goals for the award to 20 colleges:

  1. strengthen K-12 pathways to and through the CCC system for Native American students.
  2. ensure the educational success of Native American students.
  3. develop Native American leaders, and
  4. increase the number of Native American mentors to empower future generations.

Learn More About the Program

For outreach, marketing, land acknowledgement and many more resources, visit the I Can Go to College American Indian and Alaska Native Student Success web page.

Contact Us

Contact Role Email Phone Number
James Todd Assistant Vice Chancellor, Equitable Student Learning, Experience and Impact Office (ESLEI)  JTodd@CCCCO.edu  -
General Questions -  NASSSPinfo@cccco.edu  -
Julie Olson Program Specialist JOlson@CCCCO.edu 916.327.8421
Justine Pereira Program Analyst JPereira@CCCCO.edu  916.327.5496