What are Multiple Measures?
AB 705 defines the measures that are to be used as “multiple measures” and how they are to be applied to place students into English and mathematics courses using one or more of the following: high school coursework, high school grades, and high school grade point average. AB 1705 clarified that high school grade point average alone serves as a multiple measure as it is a composite of student performance over multiple years of high school coursework. Further, any one measure can be used to demonstrate a student’s preparedness for transfer-level coursework.
AB 1705 requires high school transcript data be used as the primary means for determining placement in transfer-level English and transfer-level mathematics courses and that self-reported high school information be used if there are issues with obtaining or using high school transcript data.
AB 705 and AB 1705 both clearly state that the use of multiple measures shall be used to increase a student’s placement recommendation and never to lower it.
AB 1705 adds that multiple measures placement shall not require students to repeat any coursework that they successfully completed in high school or those in which they can show competency through other methods of credit for prior learning. Therefore, students shall be placed into coursework that advances them along their pathway and not backwards.
Further, the transfer level placement resulting from multiple measures shall be into a transfer-level course that satisfies the requirement for the students’ intended certificate or associate degree, or a requirement for transfer within the intended major. Therefore, students cannot be placed into transfer-level coursework that does not directly meet the students intended educational goal.
In addition, for students who have not graduated from high school, or for high school graduates unable to provide self-reported high school information or English language learners who are not high school graduates, community colleges may use guided placement or self-placement.
However, placement methods based upon guided placement, including self-placement are restricted from incorporating sample problems, assignments, assessment instruments, or tests, including those designed for skill assessment into the assessment process and may not request students to solve problems, answer curricular questions, present demonstrations and examples of coursework designed to show knowledge or mastery of prerequisite skills, or demonstrate skills through tests or surveys.
AB 1805 requires colleges to inform students of their rights to access transfer-level coursework and academic credit English as a second language (ESL) coursework, and ensure students are aware of the multiple measures placement policies used at the college for placement into transfer-level coursework.
This information needs to be featured in a college’s catalog, orientation materials, public website and in any written communication by a college counselor to a student about the student’s course placement options.
Technical Assistance - AB 1705 STEM Validation of Equitable Placement, Support and Completion
The Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) research team is now scheduling technical support sessions with colleges upon request to support their AB 1705 reporting templates.
If your research office needs support understanding the statewide report or college-specific analysis, strategies or guidance on sharing the findings with your own college, assistance completing the data submission template or replicating the college-specific analysis, please complete the request form and a team member will follow up.