Open Educational Resources (OER) refers to teaching and learning materials that are freely available online for everyone to use and includes course modules, lectures, homework assignments, lab and classroom activities, pedagogical materials, games, simulations, and many more resources contained in digital media collections from around the world (as defined by OER Commons). OER most often refers to openly licensed textbooks and ancillary materials that are available at little or no cost to students.
Open Educational Resources Initiative
The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI) was funded by the California legislature in trailer bill language during the summer of 2018. Preparations for its launch were made during the fall 2018 term and this state-wide faculty-led effort had its kick-off with a webinar on February 1, 2019. As referenced in Assembly Bill 1809 (Higher education trailer bill, 2017-2018). The OERI’s mission is to reduce the cost of educational resources for students by expanding the availability and adoption of high-quality Open Educational Resources (OER). “OER” refers to teaching and learning materials that are freely available online for everyone to use and includes course modules, lectures, homework assignments, lab and classroom activities, pedagogical materials, games, simulations, and many more resources contained in digital media collections from around the world (as defined by OER Commons. OER most often refers to openly-licensed textbooks and ancillary materials that are available at little or no cost to students. The OERI facilitates and coordinates the curation and development of OER texts, ancillaries, and support systems. In addition, the OERI supports local OER implementation efforts through the provision of professional development, technical support, and technical resources
California Community Colleges Open Educational Resources
OER Collections for the California Community Colleges, organized by discipline, CSU general education requirements, Transfer Model Curricula, and C-ID are available, as well as a summary of OER gaps. The OERI’s curated collections are developed by the OERI Discipline Leads. Access ASCCC OERI Supported Resources for an overview of the OER that has been supported by the OERI, as well as an overview of the OER that is presently being developed.
- OER by Discipline
- OER by California State University General Education Requirements, C-ID, and Available Open Educational Resources
- OER by the California General Education Transfer Curriculum (Cal-GETC) – DRAFT
- OER by Transfer Model Curriculum
- OER by C-ID/Course Materials provided by COOL4Ed. “C-ID” refers to the Course Identification Numbering System that establishes articulation among the California Community Colleges.
- ASCCC OERI – Identified Gaps in OER Availability
The Chancellor’s Office is a member of the Community College Consortium for OER (CCCOER), which gives all CCCs access to CCCOER activities.
ASCCC OERI Supported Resources
The ASCCC OERI funds the development of new OER for courses commonly taught in the CCCs. Access all OERI-supported resources.
Open Educational Resources and Accessibility
The ASCCC OERI has developed two self-paced courses to prepare faculty who are planning to develop/curate OER. Please note that Accessibility Basics provides an overview of accessibility intended for all faculty – it is not limited to accessibility in the context of OER.
Important: All courses are offered via Canvas and set so that you can “self-enroll”. Please be sure that you are logged into your home instance of Canvas before attempting to access any PDC course. If this does not work – or you are not faculty – please contact us for assistance.
Chancellor's Office Supported Resources
- California Community Colleges Accessibility Center
- California Virtual Campus Online Network of Educators (@ONE) offers facilitated and self-paced accessibility courses
OER Basics serves as an introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER) providing faculty with new options for selecting textbooks and other resources so they can make the best decisions for their students. At the end of this self-paced course successful participants will be able to:
- Properly identify the creative commons (CC) license on a resource and describe how this resource can and cannot be used.
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of open resources using current research in the field as evidence.
- Research, analyze and review repositories of open resources.
- Effectively search for open resources and post reviews in an OER repository.
- Create an open resource by remixing multiple existing resources and designate a license to this new resource based on the licenses of multiple resources use.
ASCCC OERI - Accessibility Basics
This course was designed with two compatible goals. It is intended to:
- Introduce all faculty to the basics of developing accessible content.
- Provide faculty who will be developing and/or curating open educational resources (OER) with an understanding of accessibility basics.