Students share different needs, and California’s community colleges are committed to providing students with educational opportunities that meet those needs. Distance education promotes student access and success through technology in instruction. Among the distance education efforts are:

The California Community Colleges is at the forefront of online education in the state, and the California Virtual Campus – Online Education Initiative is aimed at further expanding access to high-quality online courses in California through a collaborative effort involving dozens of community colleges. Sponsored by the Foothill-DeAnza Community College District, the California Virtual Campus – Online Education Initiative is a comprehensive program incorporating effective practices and technology to significantly increase the number of college degrees earned in California.

Distance Education and Related Technology 2023-24 Report

The Chancellor provides a report to the Board of Governors every two years that evaluates the effectiveness of distance education and education technology systemwide and provides analysis of data demographically (by age, disability, ethnicity, and gender) student accessibility to instruction, and enrollment and completion rates.

Read the Report