The first Friday webinars are part of the Noncredit Community of Practice effort that launched with the inaugural Noncredit Summit held in May 2017. The webinars are conducted in collaboration with noncredit practitioners from ACCE (Association of Community and Continuing Education), ASCCC (Academic Senate for CCC), Career Ladders Project, and the CCC Success Network (3CSN).

Upcoming Webinar: TBA

Archived Webinars 

The webinars are archived at the Chancellor’s Office Noncredit Webinars webpage and at the ACCE website ( 

Webinar Topic
12/07/2018 Noncredit Distance Education Series: Topic 2 - Attendance Accounting
Featured Guest Presenters:
Erin Larson, Chancellor’s Office
Kathy O’Connor, ASCCC Representative to DEETAC, Santa Barbara City College
Melissa Moreno, Vice President of Extended Learning, Santa Barbara City College
John Makevich, ACCE Representative, College of the Canyons
PowerPoint Presentation [pdf]
11/02/2018 Noncredit Distance Education Series: Topic 1 - Curriculum Planning
Featured Guest Presenter: Erin Larson (CCCCO)
PowerPoint Presentation [pdf]
10/05/18 Grounding Noncredit Adult Ed In System Priorities
Featured Guide Presenters:
Kathy Booth, WestEd
PowerPoint Presentation [pdf]
09/07/18 Implementation Requirements for AB 705
Questions& Answers
06/01/18 Overview:
Featured Presenters:Ashley Walker, Policy Advisor for ACCE
Lizette Navarette, Vice President of the Community College League of California
Legislation from a Noncredit Perspective:
Funding Formula, Consolidated Categorical Programs, and AEBG
Webinar Feedback Survey
PowerPoint Presentation[pdf]
04/06/18  Noncredit Student Support Services Program:
A Glimpse at How it Works at Southwestern College
Future Agenda items and presentations
Questions/Next Meeting
Meeting Evaluation
03/02/18 Mirrored Courses
Future agenda items and presentations
Questions/Next meeting
Meeting Evaluation
PowerPoint Presentation[pdf]
02/02/18 Noncredit Myth Busting
Future agenda items and presentations
Questions/Next meeting
Meeting Evaluation
PowerPoint Presentation[pdf]
01/18 Webinar cancelled
12/04/17 The Past, Present, and Future of Noncredit Education in California Community Colleges (San Diego Continuing Education) Future agenda items and presentations
Questions/Next meeting
Meeting Evaluation
PowerPoint Presentation[pdf]
11/03/17 Evaluating Progress: Classroom Assessment and Progress Indicators
Future agenda items and presentations
Questions/Next meeting
Meeting Evaluation
PowerPoint Presentation[pdf]
Webinar canceled   N/A
09/01/17 Noncredit Curriculum Policy
Future agenda items and presentations
Questions/Next meeting
Meeting Evaluation
PowerPoint Presentation[pdf]
Noncredit Pathways
VESL Career Pathway Programs
Noncredit Career Skills Institute
Future agenda items and presentations
Questions/Next meeting
Meeting Evaluation
PowerPoint Presentation[pdf]
No Audio Archive
06/02/17 Noncredit Enrollment
Open Entry/Open Exit vs. Managed Enrollment
Future agenda items and presentations
/Questions/Next meeting
Meeting Evaluation
PowerPoint Presentation[pdf]