CalWORKs is lifting families out of poverty through education.
An acronym for California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids, CalWORKs can help students on public assistance get access to vital services such as work study, job placement, childcare, curriculum development, skills training, and more.
CalWORKs serves all 58 counties in the state and is a presence at every campus in the California Community Colleges system as part of a larger effort helping students receiving public assistance, or in transition off welfare, to achieve long-term self-sufficiency.
Students credit CalWORKs for helping them get valuable work experience while also providing financial and often emotional assistance, for allowing them to have the books they need to study and the counselors to help guide them along their educational journey, and for being a light to those who lacked role models as a youth.CalWORKs Listserv
The California Community Colleges CalWORKs listserv provides a way to communicate across the state with campus CalWORKs directors, coordinator and other interested parties on issues related to CalWORKs. This CalWORKs discussion group is provided as a service by CCC Technology Center at Butte College. Anyone may subscribe to this list by sending a BLANK NON-HTML email to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.CCCNEXT.NET and include the following words in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE CCC-CALWORKS . PLEASE NOTE: The subject line of the message must be blank and the body of the message only contains the phrase: SUBSCRIBE CCC-CALWORKS command (No ‘signature’ lines). Please direct any questions to: Rebecca Miller, Listerv Administrator CCC Technology Center.