The Chancellor's Office is committed to ensuring accountability and transparency related to student progress so that the public can understand whether the colleges are narrowing achievement gaps and helping more students achieve their full potential. To help colleges better support students and advance the strategies outlined in the Vision 2030, the Chancellor's Office makes several resources available.
Chancellor's Office Reports
In addition to annual State of the System reports, the Chancellor's Office prepares reports for the legislature and other stakeholders to describe progress toward meeting system goals, program expenditures and other key initiatives. -
Participatory Governance
The California Community Colleges is guided by a process of participatory governance, and the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges sets policy and provides guidance for the 73 districts and 116 colleges that constitute the system. -
Guided Pathways
The Chancellor’s Office provides resources to assist with Guided Pathways implementation so colleges can take a highly structured approach to student success. -
Student Centered Funding Formula
The Student Centered Funding Formula's metrics align with the goals and commitments set forth in the Vision 2030 and is intended to help close achievement gaps and boost key student success outcomes. -
Student Right to Know
In compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990, college-related information, including completion rates, is disclosed to the public.