When a district considers imposing a student fee, it must ensure that: (1) The fee is either required or authorized by statute and (2) that the fee does not exceed the reasonable costs to the district of conferring a benefit, granting a privilege, or providing a specific governmental service or product to students who are subject to the fee. Community college districts may only impose student fees where there is express statutory authority to do so. Learn more in our Student Fee Handbook (PDF).


Education Code sections 76355, 76360, and 76361 authorize the governing board of a community college district to charge health, parking services, and transportation services fees and increase those fees by the same percentage as the increase in the Implicit Price Deflator for State and Local Government Purchases of Goods and Services as published by the U.S. Department of Commerce. In January of each year, the Chancellor’s Office calculates the percentage increase by comparing the prior year index with the current year index as published on the Department of Finance’s webpage. The percentage increase is then used to calculate the maximum student health, parking, and transportation service fees for the upcoming semester, summer, intersession, and quarter terms. Whenever that calculation produces an increase of one dollar ($1) above the existing fee, the maximum allowable fee is increased by one dollar ($1). Districts are not required to charge these fees and may also choose to charge a fee lower than the maximum allowable. 

As a reminder, Education Code section 76360 (c) states that “Students who receive financial assistance pursuant to any programs described in subdivision (g) of Section 76300 shall be exempt from parking fees imposed pursuant to this section that exceed thirty dollars ($30) per semester.” Programs described in Education Code section 76300 (g) include federal financial aid, Promise grants (former BOG fee waivers), TANF, Supplementary Security Income/State Supplementary Payment Program, or a general assistance program.

The table below reflects the maximum semester, summer, intersession, and quarter fees that may be charged.

Fiscal Year 2024-25 Maximum Fees

Fee Semester Summer Intersession* Quarter Term
Health Services $26.00 $22.00 $22.00 $22.00
Parking Services $70.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00
Transportation Services $96.00 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00

*Intersession of at least four weeks. 

Fiscal Year 2023-24 Maximum Fees

Fee  Semester Summer Intersession* Quarter Term 
Health Services   $26.00  $22.00 $22.00 $22.00
Parking Services  $70.00  $34.00 $34.00 $34.00
Transportation Services  $96.00  $48.00  $48.00 $48.00

*Intersession of at least four weeks. 

If you have any questions about these fees, please contact Rafael Artiga Meza at RArtiga@CCCCO.edu, Lorena Romero at LRomero@CCCCO.edu or the Fiscal Standards Unit at FiscalStandards@CCCCO.edu


2024-25 Nonresident Tuition and Fee Report (PDF)

Contiguous Districts List (PDF)

Each district governing board must establish the nonresident tuition fee for the following fiscal year by March 1. The following options can determine the nonresident tuition fee:

  • Option A.1 - District Average Cost
    The district expense of education in the preceding fiscal year increased by the projected percent increase in the Consumer Price Index divided by district total FTES in the preceding fiscal year.
  • Option A.2- District Average Cost with 10 Percent or More Noncredit FTES
    If noncredit FTES is equal to or greater than 10 percent of total FTES, the district expense of credit education in the preceding fiscal year increased by the projected percent
    increase in the Consumer Price Index divided by district total credit FTES in the preceding fiscal year.
  • Option B.1 - Statewide Average Cost
    The statewide expense of education in the preceding fiscal year increased by the
    projected percent increase in the Consumer Price Index divided by statewide total full- time equivalent students (FTES) in the preceding fiscal year.
  • Option B.2 – Highest Statewide Average Cost
    The highest amount calculated pursuant to Option B.1 for the succeeding fiscal year, current fiscal year, or past four fiscal years.
  • Option C – Contiguous District
    An amount not to exceed the fee established by the governing board of any contiguous district. Districts choosing this option may consult with contiguous districts regarding adopted fees and may use a contiguous district’s fee adopted in the current or prior year. For example, if a district chooses to base their 2024-25 fee on that of a contiguous district, the district may use the contiguous district’s fee applicable to the 2023-24 academic year or 2024-25 academic year.
    Districts may not set their fee amount less than the districts actual cost or the statewide average cost, whichever is less. For additional information, please see Legal Opinion O 07-01 – Options for Setting Nonresident Tuition.
    The Chancellor’s Office may request additional documentation if a district chooses this option.
  • Option D – Between Statewide Average Expense of Education and District Expense of Education
    Fees adopted must be greater than statewide average expense of education and less than the district expense of education.
  • Option E – Comparable States Average
    No greater than the 2018-19 average nonresident tuition fees of public community colleges in at least 12 states comparable to California in cost of living.

If a district chooses to adopt Options B.2 or E, it must use the additional revenue generated by the increased nonresident tuition to expand and enhance services to resident students. Enrolling nonresident students must not be at the expense of resident students.

Gradual, Moderate, and Predictable Fee Increases

Community college districts can refer to the California Education Code to calculate nonresident tuition fees which states that increases in these fees "shall be gradual, moderate, and predictable." If a district calculates a nonresident tuition fee that is significantly higher year-over-year, it should consider adopting the fee along with a reasonable, phased implementation plan to meet the Code's requirements.  Districts may request payment in installments to help students.

Nonresident Capital Outlay Fee

Pursuant to Education Code section 76141, a district may charge a capital outlay fee to nonresident students, other than those with exemptions for nonresident fees pursuant to AB 540. The nonresident capital outlay fee is calculated as the lesser of (1) the district capital outlay expenditures in the preceding fiscal year divided by total FTES or (2) fifty percent of the nonresident tuition fee adopted pursuant to Education Code section 76140.

Education Code section 76142 states a district may charge nonresident applicants who are both citizens and residents of a foreign country a processing fee not to exceed the lesser of (1) the actual cost of processing an application and other documentation required by the federal government or (2) $100. This fee may be deducted from the tuition fee at the time of enrollment.


There are various exemptions to the fees described above. To learn more about these exemptions, refer to Education Code, the document titled Residency For Tuition Purposes- General Overview (revised February 2024), and the Chancellor’s Office’s Legal Advisory 18-02 .