California Community College districts and counties can submit their fiscal and budgetary data to the Chancellor’s Office through the following portals:

Annual Financial and Budget Report (CCFS-311): Community college districts' Annual Financial and Budget Report summarizes budgetary decisions and transactions covering all governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary funds for each fiscal period. The districts report this information, and the Chancellor's Office compiles it.

Quarterly Financial Status Report (CCFS-311Q): The Quarterly Financial Status Report (CCFS 311Q) is the District’s quarterly financial status report and details how funds were spent and includes projections for the upcoming year. 


Apportionment Attendance Report (CCFS-320): The Apportionment Attendance Report (CCFS-320) includes attendance contact hours for the fiscal year and report period set by the Chancellor’s Office's Fiscal Services Department. It calculates factored and unfactored attendance by Full-Time Equivalent Student based on the contact hours, period annualizers, and F-Factor data shared by community college districts.


Audit Tracker: Submit audit reports and findings to the Chancellor's Office through the Audit Tracker web portal.


Enrollment Fee Revenue Report: Enrollment fee revenue for fees charged pursuant to Education Code Section (ECS) 76300 and ECS 76140(k) fee revenue includes fees paid and receivables for courses beginning after the close of the prior year spring term through the close of the current year spring term. Submit your District’s annualized estimated/actual enrollment fee revenue data through the Enrollment Fee Revenue Web Based Program and email a copy of the signed certification to

Property Tax and Education Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF): Education Code section 84207 requires county auditors to report to the Chancellor’s office of the California Community Colleges property tax revenue for each community college district or portion of a district situated within a county. Various laws regarding Redevelopment Agencies and their Successor Agencies require more detailed reporting of payments from Redevelopment Agencies (RDA) to community colleges. Report only that information applicable to your county. Other counties will report their portion of property tax revenue distributed to multi-county districts.

Community college districts can submit their property tax revenue data from the Chancellor's Office Local Revenue Application (sign in required).

Local Property Tax Revenue Sorted by Community College District

Contact: for more information about the Student Centered Funding Formula.


Due Dates
Due to Chancellor's Office
January 15
Enrollment Fee Revenue for estimated current year (CCFS-323) used for first principal
January 15
Districts certify Apportionment Attendance Report (CCFS-320) for Period 1 (P1)
February 15
Certify Quarterly Financial Status Report (CCFS-311Q) for second quarter
March 1 Districts submit Non-Resident Tuition fee worksheet to
 April 1 External auditors submit financial statements and audit report for Auxiliary Organizations in Audit Tracker
 April 15 Enrollment Fee Revenue for estimated current year (CCFS-323) used for second principal
 April 15 Property tax & ERAF revenue for estimated current year (CY) (CCFS-329) used for second principal
 April 20 Districts certify Apportionment Attendance Report (CCFS-320) for Period 2 (P2)
 May 1 Districts submit notification of external auditor retained/hired for contracted district audit report to
 May 15

Districts certify Quarterly Financial Status Report (CCFS-311Q) for third quarter

 July 15 Districts certify Apportionment Attendance Report (CCFS-320) for Annual
 Sept.15 Prior year (PY) Final Enrollment Fee Revenue Due (CCFS-323)
 Oct. 1 Districts certify Apportionment Attendance Reports (CCFS-320) amendments for lottery purposes (optional)
 Oct. 10  Annual Financial and Budget Report (CCFS-311) and the following supplementary reports for Education Protection Account, Fifty Percent Law, Gann, Lottery, and Student Representation Fee
 Nov. 1 Districts certify Apportionment Attendance Report (CCFS-320) final amendments for Recal purposes (optional)

 Nov. 15 Districts certify Quarterly Financial Status Report (CCFS-311Q) for first quarter
 Nov. 15 Property tax & ERAF Revenue for estimated current year (CY) and actual prior year (PY) (CCFS-329) used for First Principal and Recalculation
Nov. 30 Part -Time Faculty Health Benefits Final/Revised Reimbursement Claim (CCFS-360) Part -Time Faculty Office Hours Final/Revised Reimbursement Claim
 Dec. 31 External auditors submit annual district audit reports and findings in Audit Tracker