Program Background
Education Code sections 87860 through 87868 establish the Part-Time Community College Faculty Health Insurance Program to encourage community college districts to offer health insurance for part-time faculty. The program does not cover the cost of dental or vision premiums. Districts that establish a program must negotiate with the exclusive bargaining representative the share of the premium payments not covered by the state.
For this program the following definitions apply:
- Part-Time Faculty are those with assignments equal to or greater than 40 percent of a full-time assignment.
- Multidistrict part-time faculty are those with total teaching assignments at two or more community college districts equal to or greater than 40 percent of a full-time assignment.
The 2023 Budget Act appropriates $200.49 million for the Part-Time Faculty Health Insurance Program. In any year where funds provided in the budget are insufficient to cover the total cost of all claims submitted, each district will receive a proportionate share of the available funds. Any funds remaining after all participating district claims have been reimbursed will revert to the State general fund each year.
Program Eligibility
- Part-time faculty, multidistrict part-time faculty and their dependents are eligible to participate in this program. (Note: Faculty or their dependents whose premiums for health insurance are paid by an employer other than a community college district are not eligible to participate in the program.)
- For districts to be eligible to receive a 50% reimbursement, the governing board must establish a part-time faculty health insurance program, negotiate with the exclusive representative as to the payment of the portion of the health insurance premium that is not funded by the state, and submit a claim form to the Chancellor’s Office by the June 1 due date, which includes the number of participants in the program and the total cost of the individual premiums paid by the district.
- Districts can receive reimbursement for up to 100% of the total cost of health insurance provided to part-time faculty, multidistrict part-time faculty, and their dependents if they meet the following requirements:
- Offers health insurance coverage to all eligible part-time faculty.
- Offers part-time faculty the same health insurance benefits provided to full-time faculty.
- Only if a district is unable to identify an insurance carrier that will provide the same plan structure and option(s) offered to full-time faculty, can they seek different carrier options that offer the same cost share, quality, and benefits.
- Limits individual premiums (i.e. employee contributions) paid by part-time faculty to no more than the actual individual premium (employee contribution) paid by full-time faculty in that district.
- Offers health insurance coverage, through a reimbursement plan, to all eligible multidistrict part-time faculty.
- Districts can reimburse multidistrict part-time faculty who individually purchase health insurance benefits, up to a proportionate share of the district’s most commonly subscribed family coverage plan.
- If a participating district is seeking 100% reimbursement of their costs, then they must reimburse multidistrict part-time faculty who individually purchase health insurance benefits, up to a proportionate share of the district’s most commonly subscribed family coverage plan.
Funding Mechanism
The Chancellor’s Office shall first reimburse all districts that establish a part-time faculty health
insurance program up to 50% of the districts’ costs of the individual premiums paid to the health insurance coverage of participating part-time faculty, multidistrict part-time faculty, and their dependents. After an initial allocation of up to 50% of costs, any remaining funds will be allocated to districts who meet the criteria for up to 100% reimbursement listed in the Program Eligibility section above.
Multidistrict Part-Time Faculty Reimbursement and Documentation
For districts that offer reimbursement to multi-district part-time faculty, the reimbursement amount is determined as follows:
District’s share of reimbursement = (A÷ B)*C
A = total premium paid by the multidistrict part-time faculty
B = total number of districts in which the multidistrict part-time faculty works
C = % of health care cost paid by the district toward the total cost of the premium (but not greater than a proportionate share of a district’s most commonly subscribed family coverage plan)
A district may request reasonable documentation from a multidistrict part-time faculty to verify (1) the cumulative teaching assignment is equal to or greater than 40% and (2) enrollment in a health insurance plan and the amount of the premium.
All participating districts will include the cost of these reimbursements to multidistrict part-time faculty in their total claim for reimbursement submitted to the Chancellor’s Office.
Multidistrict Part-Time Faculty Health Insurance Sample Form (WORD)
Frequently Asked Questions
Important Dates
Key Dates | Description |
June 1 | Districts submit a reimbursement claim for the part-time faculty health insurance premium costs on the form provided by the Chancellor’s Office. Claims for the fourth quarter may be estimated. Claims are reviewed and a preliminary, estimated reimbursement amount is determined based on each district’s proportionate share of the total available funds. |
June: Second Principal Apportionment | The Chancellor’s Office certifies an allocation equal to 80% of the preliminary, estimated reimbursement for each district. This certified amount is displayed on Apportionment Exhibit A, District Apportionments and Payments by Program. The 80% allocation allows for flexibility as districts finalize and submit revised claims by November 30 and ensures that no funds will need to be returned by a participating district if final adjustments to the allocation are made based on revised claims. |
November 30 | Final revised reimbursement claims are due to the Chancellor’s Office. Final claims are reviewed, and a final reimbursement allocation is determined based on each district’s proportionate share of the total available funds. |
February: Recalculation Apportionment |
The Chancellor’s Office certifies an allocation of 100% of the final revised reimbursement for each district. This certified amount is displayed on Apportionment Exhibit A, District Apportionments and Payments by Program. |
Education Code requires that claims be submitted no later than June 1. Claims for the fourth quarter may be estimated in order to meet the statutory claim submission deadline. Please return completed forms by June 1 to Participating districts should submit a revised claim reflecting actual expenditures no later than November 30.
Apportionment Certifications
P2 apportionment certification will reflect 80% of the total allowable reimbursement. Recalculation apportionment certification will reflect 100% of the total allowable reimbursement.
2023-24 P2 Part-Time Health Insurance Program Reimbursement Summary (PDF)
2022-23 Final Part-Time Health Insurance Program Reimbursement Summary (PDF)
Claim Form
California Community Colleges Part-Time Faculty Health Insurance Reimbursement Claim Form 2023-24