In an effort to strengthen the quality of education and support diverse faculty representation, the California state legislature has allocated funds towards hiring full-time faculty. The 2018-19 Budget Act designated $50 million, and the 2021-22 Budget Act added another $100 million, bringing the total to $150 million in ongoing funds dedicated to this specific purpose.
Community college districts must submit annual reports to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (Chancellor’s Office) by March 31. These reports will outline each district's progress in increasing the percentage of instruction provided by full-time faculty and improving faculty diversity, supported by Full-Time Faculty Hiring Funds.
Following the submission of these reports, the Chancellor’s Office will synthesize the information into a systemwide Academic Hiring Report. This comprehensive report will be made publicly available on the Chancellor’s Office designated internet website by May 30, 2024, and each May 30 thereafter.
Program Background
The initial allocation of funds was calculated proportionally based on reported resident credit Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) at the time the funds were provided in the Budget Act. This allocation has remained unchanged in subsequent years.
In the 2021 Budget Act, an additional $100 million was allocated to participating districts, supplementing the $50 million initially allocated in the 2018 Budget Act. This brings the total ongoing allocation to $150 million.
Purpose of Funds
The full-time faculty hiring funds are provided to districts to hire new full-time faculty, with the goal of increasing the percentage of full-time faculty and achieving a 75% full-time faculty ratio.
For reporting purposes, new full-time faculty include credit, noncredit, instructional, and non-instructional tenure-track full-time faculty hired from July 1, 2018, through the end of the reporting period. New full-time faculty are hired to:
- Fill vacancies with full-time positions instead of assigning part-time faculty.
- Staff and support newly developed or approved academic programs, courses, and other instructional or non-instructional activities not included in prior year budgets.
Spending Guidelines
The use of full-time faculty hiring funds is governed by Education Code, section 87482.6. The funds from the 2018 ($50 million) and 2021 ($100 million) Budget Acts are to be used for hiring new full-time faculty in community college districts, aiming to increase the percentage of full-time faculty toward the 75% goal. Districts must use these funds as detailed in the following memos:
- FS 18-07 Full-Time Faculty Obligation and Hiring Funds
- FS 21-08 Update on 2021-22 Full-Time Faculty Hiring Allocation
Once hired, the full-time faculty hiring funds will continue to support the ongoing salaries and benefits of these faculty members. This includes credit, noncredit, instructional, and non-instructional tenure-track full-time faculty hired since the 2018-19 fiscal year.
Districts are required to diligently track the revenue and expenditures related to the full-time faculty hiring funds within their accounting systems. This ensures proper allocation for salaries and benefits, helping to achieve the 75% full-time faculty goal. Additionally, districts must identify the specific positions filled and maintained using these funds.
The 2018-19 Budget Act included $50 million and the 2021-22 Budget Act included $100 million for a total of $150 million in ongoing funds for hiring full-time faculty.
Reporting Requirements
Per Education Code section 87891 through 87893, districts are required to report to the Chancellor’s Office no later than March 31 annually. The report should detail their progress toward increasing the percentage of instruction by full-time faculty, increasing faculty diversity, and related data as described below.
Districts will be required to collect and report the following information to the Chancellor’s Office annually:
- Summary of Full-Time Faculty Hiring Funds Utilization
- Amount and percentage of the funds used in the prior fiscal year.
- Cumulative total of the funds used and unused.
- Positions Filled and Maintained with Full-Time Faculty Hiring Funds
- Number of full-time faculty positions filled and maintained with the funds allocated for that purpose in the prior fiscal year.
- Contractual Load per Collective Bargaining Agreements
- Number of classroom student interaction hours taught by full-time faculty each week as part of their contractual load.
- Academic Employment Summary
- Number and percentage of part-time faculty who have applied for or been offered full-time positions.
- Number and percentage of faculty who have left or retired from their positions.
- Annual Release Time Percentage Summary
- Number and percentage of full-time faculty on release.
- Annual Sabbatical Percentage Summary
- Number and percentage of full-time faculty on sabbatical.
- Annual Paid Leave Percentage Summary
- Number and percentage of full-time faculty on paid leave.
Important Dates
Key Dates | Description |
Advance Apportionment | Chancellor’s Office certifies allocation and districts receive monthly payments percentage of the amount certified: July – January, 60% of the allocation payments. Amount is displayed on Exhibit A, District Apportionments and Payments by Program. |
First Principal Apportionment | Chancellor’s Office certifies allocation and districts receive monthly payments percentage of the amount certified: February – May, 32% of the allocation payments. |
Second Principal Apportionment | Chancellor’s Office certifies an allocation of 100% for each district. June is the final payment. |
March 31 | Districts will annually submit the required reporting to the Chancellor’s Office. |
May 30 | Annually the Chancellor’s is required by Education Code 87892 to post systemwide report. |
Contact Us
Category | Contact |
General Questions - Fiscal Standards and Accountability | |
Academic Hiring | Tarissa Hopkins |
Full-Time Faculty Hiring Funds | Jubilee Smallwood |