The Facilities Planning Unit assists and supports the California Community Colleges’ 73 districts encompassing 116 colleges, 78 approved off-campus centers and 24 separately reported district offices in matters related to infrastructure and capital outlay. In short, capital outlay is money dedicated to acquiring, maintaining, building, repairing or upgrading fixed assets such as land, facilities, machinery and the like.
The Facilities Planning Unit is charged with reviewing and approving districts’ Five-Year Capital Outlay Plans as part of the annual Capital Outlay Grant Application Process. Assistance and support is provided for the construction and remodeling of new buildings and centers.
Existing law requires the governing board of each community college district to annually prepare for the Board of Governors a five-year plan for capital construction. These plans must be based on a local education master plan and facilities master plan for each campus. The preparation of a facilities master plan is, in turn, necessary in preparing the Five-Year Capital Outlay Plans that districts submit annually to the Facilities Planning Unit at the Chancellor’s Office.