Meeting Location
Chancellor's OfficeBoard of Governors Chambers
1102 Q St. 6th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 323-5889
May 15, 2017
Monday, 5/15/2017 (10:00 AM to 5:00 PM*)
*all times are approximate and subject to change
Consent Calendar
Item 1.1 Approval of the March 20, 2017, Board Meeting Minutes
Action Calendar
Item 2.1 Approval of Contracts and Grants
First Reading
Item 3.1 Regulations Governing Standards and Criteria for Course; Approval of Credit Courses and Programs; Conditions for Claiming Attendance (Attachment)
Information and Reports
Item 4.1 2017 Classified Employee of the Year Awards
Item 4.2 Career Technical Education Rebrand Initiative
Item 4.3 Update on the Governor's 2016-17 May Revision Budget Proposal
Item 4.4 Updating Faculty Minimum Qualifications to Enlarge Hiring Pool (Attachment)
Item 4.5 State and Federal Legislative Update (State and Federal) (Matrix)
Item 4.6 Compliance with the Fifty Percent Law
Item 4.7 Board Member Reports