Recommendation 1.5 from the 2004 Review of the System Office for California Community Colleges indicated the need for the establishment of a “standing Curricular Issues Advisory Committee” as well as the need to “improve system-wide understanding of curricular approval processes.” It also recommended that “the role of the Chancellor’s Office should evolve from a focus on approval to one of leadership, technical support, and arbitration, when districts and regions need interventions.”
In response to Recommendation 1.5, the Curriculum Advisory Committee met in 2004 and 2005 and established the System Advisory Committee on Curriculum (SACC). From 2005 – 2016, SACC served as the primary advisory body for curriculum matters in the state, addressing issues from the 2004 recommendation such as regionalization, stand-alone courses, supplementary instruction, etc. However, in the 2015 – 2016 academic year, the role of SACC evolved resulting in a need to re-visit its advisory status, as well as the need to revisit the relationship between SACC and the CCCCO.
In order to fully address all aspects of Recommendation 1.5, in 2016 SACC became the California Community Colleges Curriculum Committee (CCCCC or 5C). 5C is a recommending body that provides policy guidance on all matters related to curriculum, including creation, implementation and endorsement of curriculum through the California Community College system.