Resources for California Contract Education Practitioners

The documents listed below require a login to access.

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Contract Education Program Matrix by Region

Contract Education Sample Job Descriptions

These are not official, but rather are examples shared by your colleagues.
Contract Education Tool Kit

DDI Resources

The DDI folder contains the following resources:

  • Directory of DDI Certified Trainers in California
  • DDI Curriculum List
  • DDI's Education Partners Contacts
  • Infographic: High Quality Leaders: Higher ROI

NCCER Resources

NCCER develops standardized construction and maintenance curriculum and assessments with portable credentials. These credentials are tracked through NCCER’s registry that allows organizations and companies to track the qualifications of their craft professionals and/or check the qualifications of possible new hires. NCCER's registry also assists craft professionals by maintaining their records in a secure database.

Status & Revenue Reports

Statewide Contract Education Conference Materials

Technology Resources

Trainer Inventory