Information is organized by fiscal year.

Perkins IV, Title I, Part C, Local Application Templates
Perkins IV, Title I, Part C, Final Report Templates

2014-15 Section 132 Formula Distribution Preliminary Reports

2014-15 Section 132 Formula Distribution Preliminary Reports

2015-2016 Perkins IV, Title I-C and CTE Transition Allocation Memo 15-02 (4/10/15) Walter Di Mantova, Dean

This memo and attachment releases the 2015-2016 Perkins Allocation under Title I, Part C of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 (Perkins IV). The document shows your relative “share” of 2015-16 Perkins funds based on the community college system allocation.

2015-16 Section 132 Formula Distribution Preliminary Reports

2015-16 Section 132 Formula Distribution Preliminary Reports

2016-2017 Perkins IV, Title I-C and CTE Transition Allocation

Memo 16-04 (6/8/2016) Matthew Roberts, Dean

This memo and attachment announces an increase to the 2016-2017 Perkins Title I-C Basic Grant allocations from Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-270; CFDA #84.048A). 

Memo 16-03 (5/9/16) Walter Di Mantova, Dean

This memo and attachment announces a change to the 2016-2017 Perkins CTE Transitions allocations  from Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-270; CFDA #84.048A).

Memo 16-02 (4/25/16) Walter Di Mantova, Dean

This memo and attachment releases the 2016-2017 Perkins Allocation under Title I, Part C of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 (Perkins IV). The document shows your relative “share” of 2016-17 Perkins funds based on the community college system allocation. 

2016-2017 Perkins IV, Title IC
Data Certification Forms for Perkins Title I, Part C, Allocations

This memo provides notice of the 2016-17 Perkins allocation data reports and certification form availability and instructions for submitting forms.

2016-17 Section 132 Formula Distribution Preliminary Reports

2017-2018 Perkins IV, Title IC

Memo  (6/7/17) Dr. Jeffrey A. Mrizek, Dean
This memo and attachment announces the2017-18 Perkins Title I, Part C and CTE Transitions District Final Allocations, Online Application Availability and Certification

Memo 17-01 (2/7/17) Dr. Jeffrey A. Mrizek, Dean
This memo and attachment announces the 2017-18 Perkins IV Title I, Part C Section 132 Formula Distribution Preliminary Reports 1 & 2 and Certification Instructions. 

Data Certification Forms for Perkins Title I, Part C, Allocations

This memo provides notice of the 2017-18 Perkins allocation data reports and certification form availability and instructions for submitting forms.

2017-18 Section 132 Formula Distribution Preliminary Reports

2018-2019 Perkins IV, Title IC

Memo (7/26/18) Dr. Jeffrey A. Mrizek, Dean
This memo (that includes an attachment) announces the 2017-2018 Perkins Title I-C/CTE Transitions Online Final Report System.

Memo (5/14/18) Dr. Jeffrey A. Mrizek, Dean
This memo (that includes an attachment) announces the 2018-19 Perkins Title I, Part C and CTE Transitions District Preliminary Allocations, Online Application Availability, and Certification.

Memo  (2/14/18) Dr. Jeffrey A. Mrizek, Dean
This memo and attachment announces the 2018-19 Perkins IV Title I, Part C Section 132 Formula Distribution Preliminary Reports 1 & 2 and Certification Instructions. 

Data Certification Forms for Perkins Title I, Part C, Allocations
This memo provides notice of the 2018-19 Perkins allocation data reports and certification form availability and instructions for submitting forms.

2018-19 Section 132 Formula Distribution Final Reports

2018-19 Section 132 Formula Distribution Preliminary Reports

Tutorials on the Year-to-Date and Final Report are now available.

Timeline for Perkins Reporting, Certification, and Allocation Determination, and Related MIS Data Submissions
2018-19 Master Calendar for Perkins Funds
2017-18 Master Calendar for Perkins Funds

Perkins Title I-C Eligible & Ineligible Cost Guidelines
Cost Guidelines for Title I Part C Section 132 Funds
Click on this link -- Web-based Fiscal Reporting System -- for the Chancellor's Office MIS Online Application System, which contains Perkins IV, IC Application and Reports, and also other items of interest, including Grant Reader Applications, Program Inventory, SB 70, Title IB Quarterly Updates, Core Indicator, along with system applications from other CO Divisions. Note: The above site is for Community College System use only.

Last Update: Friday, March 13, 2015