Admissions and Records is the go-to department for everything pertaining to a California community colleges student’s records, and it is often the first point of contact for a student who is entering the system.

Students can enroll online or in person at any community college admissions and records office, and it’s also where you can drop or add classes, apply for transcripts or handle other business concerning admissions.

All admissions and records offices are charged with handling applications, registration, collecting and evaluating transcripts, verifying prerequisites, processing dropped classes, auditing degrees, reviewing credit eligibility for prior learning, and evaluating petitions to graduate, among other services. Some admissions and records offices are also responsible for noncredit courses, athletic eligibility, eligibility for veterans’ benefits, and beyond. In addition, admissions and records offices handle all matters pertaining to AB 540, which allows non-resident students who attended a California high school for three years and earned a diploma or GED from paying out-of-state tuition.

Admissions and records offices ensure that colleges are abiding by Title 5 and Education Code standards that guide education in California, including the Student Success and Support program.