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June 24, 2021 - Vision in Action No. 39 

student centered fudnign formula dashboard dashboard 1 dashboard 2 dashboard 3 photo of student at desk


 An easy-to-navigate Student Centered Funding Formula Dashboard is moving into a new phase that allows for a detailed analysis on trends in student counts and various categories of funding.
The Student Centered Funding Formula, adopted in the 2018-19 California budget as a new way of allocating funding to community college districts, provides funding to college districts that increase student completion and transfer and place students in jobs with wage growth. It places a premium on equity and aims to ensure colleges are funded, in part, on how well students are faring. 
The formula comprises a base allocation tied to enrollment; a supplemental allocation based on the numbers of students receiving a College Promise Grant, students receiving a Pell Grant and students covered by Assembly Bill 540; and a student success allocation based on factors such as degree completion and transfer rates.
The Dashboard’s first phase focused on analysis and comparison of the Student Centered Funding Formula to the prior formula under Senate Bill 361 and found that virtually every California community college district has seen a boost in revenue. 
The Dashboard’s second phase allows users to view trends in the Student Centered Funding Formula’s student success and supplemental allocations as well as an analysis of the Funding Protections included in the formula. The latest data illustrates how college districts are making progress on the Vision for Success goal of increasing student success and completion. Associate degrees for transfer, for example, have increased 33% from 2017-18 to 2019-20. The number of students completing transfer level math and English in the first year of enrollment has increased by 69% during that time. The Dashboard also shows that 31% of revenues from the supplemental allocation came via the number of Pell Grant recipients and that 15% of student success revenues were from associate degree for transfer completions.
The Dashboard allows user to view single-year data for student success counts and the counts for low-income students, the outcomes of Pell Grant students and the counts of California College Promise students. A subsequent data release in Phase 2 will provide information about race and ethnicity counts within the supplemental and student success metric categories.
The next phase the Dashboard will include an interactive district planning tool allowing users to modify assumptions about enrollment levels, low-income enrollment levels, student success levels, and cost-of-living adjustments to generate more accurate projections for future years.

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System Guidance/News/Webinars

The Chancellor’s Office Statistics Institute team will present a four-hour workshop at the virtual United States Conference on Teaching Statistics on Increasing Student Engagement at Two-Year Colleges Using Socially Relevant Contexts. The webinar is Saturday, June 26 from 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

The lead facilitator is Dr. Roxy Peck, professor emerita of statistics at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and a nationally known leader in statistics education.  Among her many honors, Dr. Peck was made a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and received the American Statistical Association’s Founder's Award and the USCOTS Lifetime Achievement Award in Statistics Education.

Register for the pre-conference workshop and conference at this link.

The next Chancellor’s Office System Webinar - Enacted State Budget + District Implementation Strategy - will take place on Wednesday, July 7 from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. If you are already registered for the Chancellor’s Office System Webinars, there is no need to register again. You will receive a reminder email prior to the webinar with your link. 

Please share the 2021 System Webinars registration link with your colleagues that are not yet registered. (Registration is only required once and the same link will be used to access all System Webinars in 2021.) 

The Chancellor’s Office is committed to keeping everyone informed during this uncertain time. We encourage administrators, faculty, staff and students to regularly check the Chancellor’s Office COVID-19 resource page and the Chancellor’s Office Communications to Colleges section for ongoing executive orders, guidance memos and announcements. Current and prospective students can also get connected with their local college to find out specific resources and support services available as well as enroll in their local community college.

Student Supports

The California Youth Crisis line runs 24-hours a day, seven days a week: 800-843-5200. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides confidential assistance to anyone in crisis and their loved ones through a live chat and free 24-hour hotline at 800-273-8255. You can also text COURAGE to the Crisis Text Line at 741741.

Items of Interest

U.S. to narrowly miss Biden’s July 4 vaccination goal, White House says.

U.S. had nearly 17 million undiagnosed COVID-19 cases in early months of pandemic: Study.

Nearly all COVID deaths in U.S. are now among unvaccinated.

Column: Many California kids can’t access Wi-Fi for schoolwork. Newsom wants the state to step up.

Campus leaders take sides as Biden mounts push for free community college.