Curate Your Own Presentation
Feel free to borrow from these slide decks if you need to do a briefing or presentation about the $164M for K12 Local Education Agencies briefing or presentation. You can cut and paste as needed.
Presentations by Audience
Audience | Title and Link to Presentation | Presented By | Event Date |
All | Get Focused, Stay Focused Conference Presentation | Dr. Alice Perez, Dr. Matthew Roberts, Donna Wyatt | 01/02/19 Santa Barbara City College |
All | K12 SWP Presentation for Central Valley / Mother Lode Regional Engagement Meeting | 12/11/18 12/12/18 |
All | K12 SWP Presentation for Orange County Regional Engagement Meeting | 12/06/18 | |
All | K12 SWP Presentation for SanDiego / ImperialValley Regional Engagement Meetings | 11/30/18 12/07/18 |
All | Career Technical Education Coordination and Accountability Across Systems | Matt Roberts & DonnaWyatt | 11/13/18 Senate Hearing Riverside, CA |
All | K12 SWP Presentation for South Central Coast Regional Engagement Meetings | 11/13/18 11/14/18 |
All | K12 SWP Presentation for LosAngeles Regional Engagement Meetings | 11/8/18 11/9/18 |
All | K12 SWP Presentation for NorthFarNorth Regional Engagement Meetings | 11/6/18 11/7/18 |
All | K12 SWP Presentation for Inland Empire / Desert Regional Engagement Meetings | 11/5/18 | |
All | K12 SWP Presentation for BayArea Regional Engagement Meetings |
10/31/2018 11/1/18 11/2/18 |
All | BOG expenditure plan presentation for K12 SWP | 9/18/2018 | |
All | CTECS presentation on dual enrollment and K12 SWP | Matt Roberts | 9/12/2018 |
All | Inland Empire regional quarterly meeting | 9/10/2018 | |
CIOs | $164M to extend Strong Workforce to the K12s - for CIOs PPT Transcript of audio file |
Kelly Fowler, Van Ton-Quinlivan, Matt Roberts | 7/13/2018 |
DSNs/SNs | $164M to extend Strong Workforce to the K12s - for SNs and DSNs PPT Transcript of audio file |
Lynn Shaw, Matt Roberts, Amy Kaufman | 7/12/2018 |
WEDPAC/EDPAC | $164M to extend Strong Workforce to the K12s - for WEDPAC/EDPAC PPT Transcript of audio file |
Van Ton-Quinlivan, Matt Roberts, Amy Kaufman | 7/13/2018 |