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Feel free to borrow from these slide decks if you need to do a briefing or presentation about the $164M for K12 Local Education Agencies briefing or presentation. You can cut and paste as needed.

Presentations by Audience

Audience Title and Link to Presentation Presented By Event Date
All Get Focused, Stay Focused Conference Presentation Dr. Alice Perez, Dr. Matthew Roberts, Donna Wyatt 01/02/19
Santa Barbara City College
All K12 SWP Presentation for Central Valley / Mother Lode Regional Engagement Meeting 12/11/18
All K12 SWP Presentation for Orange County Regional Engagement Meeting 12/06/18
All K12 SWP Presentation for SanDiego / ImperialValley Regional Engagement Meetings 11/30/18
All Career Technical Education Coordination and Accountability Across Systems Matt Roberts & DonnaWyatt 11/13/18
Senate Hearing
Riverside, CA
All K12 SWP Presentation for South Central Coast Regional Engagement Meetings 11/13/18
All K12 SWP Presentation for LosAngeles Regional Engagement Meetings 11/8/18
All K12 SWP Presentation for NorthFarNorth Regional Engagement Meetings 11/6/18
All K12 SWP Presentation for Inland Empire / Desert Regional Engagement Meetings 11/5/18
All K12 SWP Presentation for BayArea
Regional Engagement Meetings
All BOG expenditure plan presentation for K12 SWP 9/18/2018
All CTECS presentation on dual enrollment and K12 SWP Matt Roberts 9/12/2018
All Inland Empire regional quarterly meeting 9/10/2018
CIOs $164M to extend Strong Workforce to the K12s - for CIOs PPT
Transcript of audio file
Kelly Fowler, Van Ton-Quinlivan, Matt Roberts 7/13/2018
DSNs/SNs $164M to extend Strong Workforce to the K12s - for SNs and DSNs PPT
Transcript of audio file
Lynn Shaw, Matt Roberts, Amy Kaufman 7/12/2018
WEDPAC/EDPAC $164M to extend Strong Workforce to the K12s - for WEDPAC/EDPAC PPT
Transcript of audio file
Van Ton-Quinlivan, Matt Roberts, Amy Kaufman 7/13/2018