The information in this section is pulled from a variety of sources to provide a high-level overview of governance across the California Community Colleges.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are 116 colleges, including the fully online Calbright College, within the California Community Colleges system. California Community Colleges is the largest system of higher education in the country.

The California Community Colleges is guided by a process of participatory governance. The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges sets policy and provides guidance for the 73 districts and 116 colleges that constitute the system. Board members are appointed by the Governor and formally interact with state and federal officials and other state organizations.

Colleges are managed individually with a President/CEO/Superintendent and locally elected boards of trustees.

California Community Colleges are organized into eight economic regions: Bay Area, Central Valley/Mother Lode, Inland Empire/Desert, Los Angeles, North/Far North, Orange County, San Diego/Imperial and South Central Coast.

Strong Workforce Program (SWP)