The Chancellor’s Office convenes and manages statewide participatory governance working groups. These groups include committees, task forces and advisory groups. As of December 2020, the Chancellor’s Office convenes 21 statewide working groups that engage over 450 system stakeholders. The statewide associations represented in the working groups have their own appointment process to recommend members to serve in statewide working groups. More information is in the Participatory Governance Handbook.
Two advisory committees are associated with the Division of Digital Innovation and Infrastructure. Their responsibilities are outlined below.
Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee (TTAC)
TTAC advises the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office on the continued development and deployment of telecommunications and educational technologies in the California Community Colleges. The Committee researches technology trends and recommends the direction for technology infrastructure initiatives within the California Community College system.
Systemwide Architecture Committee (SAC)
Part of TTAC, SAC provides technical expertise for planning the development and growth of the system-wide information-technology infrastructure for California Community Colleges. The system-wide IT infrastructure consists of those elements of technology (in the form of hardware, software, applications, practices, and standards) that are implemented at the community college system level. Broad objectives for the IT infrastructure are to facilitate student interaction with the community college system, to enhance collaboration among the community colleges and other elements of the California educational system, and to provide services in a cost-effective manner.